Thank You!


Just a quick note – in between rants! – to thank everyone who chipped in last month; we made it to the green! A little over, even – which is a good start for October.

A big mailing of magnets just went out. Apologies for the delay getting all this done. I try to keep up but I only have two hands and not much brain. I do my best, though!

Also: EPautos has a new advertiser – a non-Googuhl advertiser, I mean. It’s AMSOIL and specifically, this distributor. His name’s Vic and he’s good people. I use AMSOIL and recommend it because it’s not just good stuff, it’s the best stuff. That’s not opinion; read up on the technical stuff.

If you already use AMSOIL, please consider buying it from Vic (again, here’s his link) and if you haven’t joined the AMSOIL bandwagon, please consider it – for the sake of your vehicles and also because it’s a two-fer; you support EPautos by using AMSOIL.

Hopefully, some of you have also checked out Freedom Bike Rental, our second-newest advertiser. The proprietor is a fellow Libertarian and what could be more Libertarian than exploring the back country of Ecuador with fellow Libertarians? You should have a look, if you haven’t already.

And, of course, Valentine1 radar detectors – which have been my best friend for many years and not because Valentine advertises here but because my V1 has saved me thousands of dollars in mulcting I would have experienced had it not been for my dashboard buddy.

Get one. None better.

And again, thanks to all who chipped in over the past month (and otherwise). You make all this possible. I couldn’t do it without your support.

I am honored – and appreciative!



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