Baltimore AGW Passed Out Drunk in AGW-mobile


Here’s local news coverage of a Baltimore, MD armed government worker passed out drunk in his squad car. The AGW – “working” in Pigtown (yes, really) was secretly video’d by a citizen, who observed the in-the-bag AGW slumped over the wheel and went to check on him, smelled booze and called other AGWs. They took the AGW’s gun – and keys.

The AGW has been fired – and charged with DWI.

All good. But, where is the national registry for such AGWs – such as the national registry for sex offenders – which alerts other communities to the presence of such a person in their midst and (in the case of AGWs) precludes them from ever “serving” as an AGW again?

Also: It’s worth a mention that an ordinary person who was out in public passed out drunk while in possession of a gun would almost certainly be charged with reckless handling of a firearm/criminal endangerment.

. . .

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  1. Notice they say “the former policeman was in his cruiser”

    He wasn’t “former” when he was in the cruiser, he was one of Baltimore’s Finest.

    The media always refers to these rogue cops as former as though they didn’t commit their crimes while badged and armed by GovCo. These are cops doing this, not “former” cops.


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