Latest Reader Question: Ford Fiesta – Good or Bad?


Here’s the latest reader question, along withe my reply!

Tony asks: I love listening to you on the Real News with David Knight and I just had a simple request: What do you think of the 2018 Ford Fiesta? Thank you for shedding light on the very important topic of mobility in America, too!

My reply: Generally speaking, the Fiesta is a good car relative to others in its class. It’s an older design and a bit less fuel efficient than some (like the Mazda3 and the new Honda Civic) and it still has a five-speed manual transmission (rather than a six-speed, as in some of the others) but its chief deficit, in my opinion, is that it has a very tight back seat (31.2 inches of legroom) relative to others in its class.

But, it is also less expensive than rivals and – chiefly because Ford has indicated it will soon be dropping almost all of its passenger cars except for the Mustang and Focus – in favor of crossovers and crossover SUVs – it is likely you’ll be able to get a very good deal on one for that reason.

I’d shop for a 2018 while they are still available; the 2019s are in production now and dealers will really want to get rid of any remaining ’18 stock they have as we get closer to the end of this calendar year.

. . .

Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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