Reader Rant: Used Tacoma


Here’s the latest reader rant, along with my reply!

Seth writes: Well, after much thought I actually went with a used Tacoma.  Found a 2016 single cab 4 cylinder RWD with 22k miles for 21k.  Has very few options, just a back up camera and power locks/windows. Now I have my genesis for riding around town and a simple reliable work truck to take to the dirt roads in West Texas.

My reply: Top-drawer, Seth! I dig the Tacoma; it’s a solid truck. And almost as big – and functionally useful – as a full-size ’90s-era 1500. No  Super Duty Cod Piece Fever bed you need a ladder to access.

22,000 on the clock is a test drive around the block. That truck should be good for another 200,000 and then some.

So, congrats!

One thing/suggestion: Does it have a limited slip rear? If not, I’d recommend changing it when you have the money. A RWD truck without a limited slip rear axle is perilous on any kind of slick surface and forget snow or even wet grass. Especially if the bed is empty.

If you have an LSD – and good tires – plus a few bags of cement in the bed, to weight the rear axle – you will be surprised how well a 2WD truck can deal with slippery conditions!

. . .

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