Reader Question: 2018 Toyota Land Cruiser?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Jack asks: Any thoughts on the 2018 Toyota LandCruiser? Reliability and quality? Worth the price?

My reply: This is an excellent large SUV… excellent, in part – in my opinion – because it is largely the same SUV as the 2008 LandCruiser. The current (2018) model has not been the victim of such update afflictions as direct injection, for instance. Its V8 is still fed via port fuel injection. No cylinder deactivation technology, either.

See here for detailed tech specs.

This makes it inherently more reliable than the “latest thing” SUVs, which have direct injection and also (in some cases) fewer cylinders and turbos to make up for it.

The LandCruiser gets abuse from the metrosexual car press for exactly this reason. You will read that it uses “too much” gas because of its “dated” technology. But have a look at the actual MPG difference; it’s maybe 4-5 or so vs. the “latest thing.”

As the potential buyer of a full-size/V8 SUV, how much does that 4-5 MPG matter to you vs. an inherently simpler, proved rugged drivetrain?

I’d personally much rather buy a circa 2008 Toyota that happens to be a brand-new 2018 Toyota than any of the “latest thing” SUVs…

. . .

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