LA AGWs Beat Mean, Fabricate Evidence


Here’s video of a pair of LA AGWs beating a man they found asleep in his car – drunk, apparently, but not driving. Instead of just leaving the guy alone to sleep it off, the AGWs proceed to beat the crap out of him and then fabricate the usual “evidence” – their sworn word – that he “resisted.”

See for yourself:

The AGWs – Michael Devitt and Eric Ota – claimed that Mohamed Sayem turned violent in the early hours of Aug 19. Devitt claimed in an incident report and an interview with his supervisor that Sayem assaulted him after the AGWs found Sayem intoxicated in his car in a Stanton parking lot. But Devitt’s various accounts of the incident differed on key facts and are contradicted by footage recorded by two police dashboard cameras.

Assistant Public Defender Scott Sanders, Sayem’s attorney, argued in a court filing filed Wednesday that the officer committed a clear act of excessive force and then filed a false police report to help secure a felony conviction against Sayem and to cover up the unlawful act of violence. Sanders also alleges that Devitt’s supervisor knowingly aided and abetted the filing of the false police report.

. . .

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