Mr. Bacon Confronts AGW


Here’s video of Mr. Bacon – yes, really – confronting an insolent and exempted from obeying the laws the rest of us must obey armed government worker – who parked his taxpayer-extortion-financed vehicle right on the sidewalk… just because he can:

When confronted by Mr. Bacon, the AGW claims there was an “emergency” of some kind, but this shoddy excuse is quickly unraveled by Mr. Bacon, much to the annoyance of the AGW.

The AGW claims his sidewalk-parked car isn’t impeding pedestrians. That it’s illegal doesn’t seem to register. Well, it would be illegal for any of us to do the same thing – and if we argued with the AGW who showed up to ticket and tow our sidewalk-parked car, claiming it wasn’t impeding traffic… well, we all know what the outcome of that would be.

There’s no shame; only that insufferable aura of entitlement – and contempt for “civilians.”

. . .

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