Reader Question: Finding Those TDI VWs


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

David asks: I read your pieces regularly on Lew Rockwell and was pleased to see this news about the VW diesels being reincarnated. We had a Jetta (manual) wagon TDI that was a fantastic vehicle.  The goal was always 50+ mpg and we always got close on long trips. We took the plea bargain deal and bought a gasoline Golf wagon (manual). Sadly, we stop at the fill-up easily twice as often. That’s why we have government, eh? Question, is there a web site or email list to monitor for VW diesel availability?

My reply: The thing to do is get in touch with all the local VW dealers within an orbit of your willingness to drive and let them know you are interested in a TDI-powered vehicle; you can specify make/model/year but I’d be general until they give you specifics; then proceed accordingly.

. . .

Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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