Video Rant: 2019 Jeep Compass


Most crossover SUVs can’t really cross over very much; they look like SUVs, but they’re really high-riding cars, with light-duty AWD (usually optional) and not much more off-road capability than the cars they are based on.

Except for this one:

. . .

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  1. Hi Eric, glad you like the MP which I saw early before production test vehicle and I took a look at it and thought at first it was a Grand Cherokee. Kid you not. They did a good job on styling it. My FCA engineer drove it down to Toledo as we were working on JL seat heater development.
    I give it the “Baby Grand Cherokee” nick-name. yep, my seat heaters in that MP.
    Ok, it is from Toluca MX but a good crew down there.
    Some fun items to check out:
    Open the console and check out the bottom
    Did you find the Lizard? It is taking a ride with you.
    Other fun features unique on MP if you hunt around.
    And we did a fun Jeep feature for the JL seat heaters and have you can have fun finding it on the JL/JT. It was a “thumbs up” with a smile grin from FCA managers when they saw what we did. Only in a JEEP>
    Look forward hearing your full review. yes, sluggish engine but MAYBE they will beef it up.


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