Video Rant: This GM Business . . .


Herewith some thoughts on GM’s recent announcement that it will stop making most of its passenger cars, in order to “focus on trucks and SUVs.” Except not really:

. . .

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  1. The irony of it all. If there was a true free market, largely due to the return of plentiful (and domestic) cheap gas,,,,,,,,, We would likely be going back to mass market vehicles with V8’s and V6’s.

    Just unleashing the oil and automotive business from the chains of the last forty years, would turn around millions of peoples lives with better jobs and income. People forget that just these two industries provided many more good paying jobs for decades then they do now. There is no reason why they wouldn’t again.

    The killing of basic industry via taxes, regulation, social engineering, corruption etc, over the decades is criminal in my book.


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