3.5 AGWs vs. 1 Mundane


Here’s an video taken by a guy protesting on a public sidewalk who is confronted by three and a half AGWs (you’ll see in a minute):

Jabbette the Hut is particularly nonplussed by the guy’s assertion of his rights and failure to show deference to Authoritah.

Amazingly, the man isn’t Tazed for “disorderly conduct” – and then pummeled for “resisting.”

Sometimes, AGWs can be made to retreat – probably because the guy was smart enough to live-stream this and let the AGWs know it was being live streamed.

Hut! Hut! Hut!

. . .

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  1. that’s a great one. Way to go dude. And that blimp that may have been a titless female was really hideous! At least if her tire gets flat she has a spare or even 2. And we the public are supposed to have respect for an alien like that?

    • Hi Joe,

      The young guy AGW seemed like a not-vile dude; just a programmed bot. Jabette the Hut, on the other hand… not the mirrored glasses, sure sign of a dick (even if it hasn’t got one… we assume).


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