Woman Adroitly Handles Two AGWs!


Here’s video taken by a woman who had a pair of armed government workers show up at her home to pester her about comments she apparently made on Facebook (which narced her out to the AGWs).

The AGWs tried to use intimidation tactics to get the woman to submit and obey, but she had the presence of mind (and knowledge of the law) to ask pertinent questions, such as whether she is being accused of having committed a crime, is about to be arrested and whether she is legally obligated to answer the AGWs’ questions.

She also does not make the mistake of allowing the AGWs into her home.

If you allow AGWs into your home, it’s as though they have a warrant to search the place and if they can find any reason to charge you with any crime, rest assured the will – and it will hold up in court because you consented to them coming into your home.

In this case, the AGWs were brilliantly stymied and had to tuck tail and go away. But the worry is that – having “lost face” (and on YouTube) – they will return and give this woman the full Hut! Hut! Hut! treatment.

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