CA AGWs Caught on Tape Lying & Much Worse


Here’s video – just released after an internal affairs investigation – of a pair of armed government workers entering a home without warrant or probable cause and lying about it, then brutally chokeholding a man who’d done . . . nothing other than have the bad luck to be inside the home at the time.

The AGWs claimed they were looking for a hit and run suspect, but the problem is they didn’t identify the man they chokeholded as the man who did the hit and running. They also entered the home without being invited and without a warrant and contrary to the woman who opened the door’s stated request that they not enter the home without her permission, if they did not have a warrant.

“We waited and then she actually said ‘you cancome on in,’ ” said the AGW.

The tape tells a very different tale. In fact, the woman says, very clearly: “Please wait for me to give you permission.” 
The AGWs just trooped right on in and commenced a most ultra-violent Hut! Hut! Hutting!

The internal affairs investigation resulted in the firing of the chokeholding, criminally trespassing AGW…. but (of course) no criminal charges for the AGW.

Like a pedophile priest, he’s free to seek a new gig – perhaps in your town.

. . .

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  1. I very rarely comment on these, and sometimes (for sake of my sanity) I don’t watch the videos. But I just wanted you to know, Eric, that I am very appreciative of these stories. Keep them coming. I was an avid reader of the late, great Will Grigg, and these items you post to your website are very important. These stories need to stay fresh in people’s minds. Stories of reality to contradict what the media wants you to think of these so called “heroes”.


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