Kid-Glove Treatment for Drunk – and Armed – AGW


Here’s a video of an armed government worker – drunk, armed and belligerent – being treated very gently by his fellow AGWs after totaling his car.

Meanwhile, it is a crime for for an ordinary “citizen” to walk around drunk while armed. I’ve got a Virginia CHP and – legally speaking – I’m not even permitted to enter a bar while armed, whether I actually drink or not. And if I were to be found in possession of a gun while drunk, I doubt very much I’d be coo’d to in the way this AGW was.

The low-IQ gorilla keeps repeating, “I’m done” to the pacific interrogatories of his fellow AGW, who seems very sympathetic to the poor AGW’s dilemma. Even when the drunk AGW gets very hostile – overtly threatening – the other AGW pleads with him rather than Tazes him. He even lets the drunk AGW walk out of the cop shop, no worries – and debates with this drunken buffoon whether he’s going to allow him to drive himself home.

How do you suppose you would have been treated had AGWs found you at a crash scene, your car totaled – and you obviously drunk and armed, too?

Hut! Hut! Hut!

. . .

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  1. How do you suppose you would have been treated had AGWs found you at a crash scene, your car totaled – and you obviously drunk and armed, too?

    That’s a rhetorical question, right? Eric, we ALL know the answer to that one!


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