AGW Demands “Credentials” – And Threatens Fistfight


Here’s an in your face (literally) video of an armed government worker who – like so many – does not understand that a public sidewalk is exactly that . . . public.

The AGW is agitated because the man is filming what can be seen from the sidewalk – which is legal in every state and you’d think that “law enforcement” would be aware of what’s legal and not.

In fact, “the law” is a tool of convenience for AGWs – who use it when it advantages them and make it up when it’s advantageous to do so:

in addition to demanding ID, this AGW also demands “credentials” – as in press badges – an ominous development. Some of you are already aware that the government wants to license journalists – a great way to control journalism, by deciding who gets to be one.

And who doesn’t.

The idea being that only “licensed” journalists will be privileged to film the doings of AGWs.  Anyone else would be subject to arrest.

The AGW gets increasingly threatening, eventually threatening a physical fight. Of course, the AGW has a gun – and would murder the man if the man laid a hand on him.

. . .

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