Drunk AGW Demands the Blue Discount


Here’s video of a “super drunk” armed government worker, caught driving – and demanding special indulgences because “Jesus Christ, I’m a sheriff”!

He is pulled over and blows more than twice the legal limit – but thinks he’s “ok” and ought to be escorted home, because he “had a fuckin’ bad day.”

The AGW who arrests the drunk AGW is actually reasonable – polite, even – before she finds out that she is dealing with a fellow AGW.

Which is nice.

What’s not nice is the expectation of indulgence by the plastered AGW.

He whines, “I’m not driving” – which is true. But – as the other AGW observes – he clearly had been. And was still behind the wheel, key in the ignition. That’s more than enough to arrest any “civilian” for “drunk driving,” even if they hadn’t been driving.

“Civilians” get arrested all the time for that – for being found in the passenger or back seat, without the key in the ignition. The car in a parking lot – not on the shoulder of the highway.

The drunk AGW’s fellow AGW appears – offers to escort the drunk (and presumably, armed) AGW home. The other AGW – to her credit – stands her ground. But there is still a debate over whether to arrest this drunken AGW – which would be a foregone conclusion for any “civilian.”

“You can’t take me to jail! I’m a goddamn sheriff!”

They do, eventually – but not in cuffs – and after lots of gentle sweet talk by the side of the road.

One standard for us – another for AGWs.

. . .

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