AZ AGW Agonizer Update


Here’s video taken by an intrepid journalist – a rare bird these days – with a local ABC affiliate, confronting the haughty Glendale, AZ AGW in charge of the “investigation” of the Tazer Torturing of a man by lower-echelon AGWs.

Full story about that is here.

Instead of being ashamed, the head AGW seems annoyed that his Rottweilers have aroused public disgust. He is unwilling to allow credentialed media to bring cameras into a “briefing” – no doubt in order to prevent anything else embarrassing making it on-air.

No sense of contrition, either.

That fact alone should have resulted in the immediate firing of all these AGWs, as well as the criminal prosecution of  any who were in the least degree involved or who did not act to do something about it.

It bears repeating: Had anyone else – someone not an AGW – done even 25 percent of the things these AGWs did, they would be in jail, charged with felonies and facing serious time.

It’s time to ask why AGWs aren’t held to the same standard.

. . .

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