Today’s Clover – the Prius HyperMiler!


Here’s today’s Clover – the slow-moving, never yielding hypermiler! It’s the never-yielding part that makes this guy a Clover – not his slow-motion driving.

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  1. So did he perform the “Toyota Swerve”? You know, you’re driving down the road and there’s nobody in front of you or behind you. You see him on a side street way out in front and he waits until you get right up on top of him and then swerves right out in front of you at the last possible moment so you have to jam on your brakes to not ram into him and then drives slowly.

    • No no no that’s the Ky-Tn merge onto the fast moving freeway!!!
      “I want to get home today”, yes it means to me I want to get home before next week.

  2. The coming to a complete stop before turning thing must be something they teach in a few southern states (Mississippi & Alabama in particular). Seems like it at least to me, stop in traffic and creep around the corner……… Very annoying (and dangerous) when it’s highway speeds.


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