Reader Question: Obscure Honda Bike Parts?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

John asks: Do you know of a source for the four hard chrome plated “collars” in the Pro-Link suspension for an’83 Honda GL650? I would consider having them re-chromed, but that is super expensive, unless you know someone.

My reply: I own one of these rare bikes, so I feel your pain. They are very reliable – and routine maintenance parts are easy enough to get – but trim and so on not so much. I recently redid the “GL650” case badges – which are no longer available from Honda. Polished and buffed the metal, then (by hand and very carefully) painted the inset black, per original.

Anyhow, as regards your question:

I’d haunt eBay for openers. When looking for rare OE parts, you have to be patient, like a vulture – and ready to drop down from your tree branch as soon as what you want becomes available.

I’d also check with SUDCO and Johnny’s Vintage Cycle (see here). Johnny’s has a huge inventory of NOS/repro parts for classic Japanese bikes. I’ve bought many parts from them over the years for my weirdo ensemble (’75 S1250, ’76 Kz900 – and the ’83 GL650).

Keep us posted!

. . .

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        • Hi Mark,

          Of course!

          In fact, I made take him out today… it’s nice out and I think I can afford to step away from the computer for a couple of hours….

          • Good! That bike’s too beautiful to leave inside your house. Granted, I can understand WHY you’d want to have it in your house; it’s a lovely machine! And I dare say it ages better than ANY woman will! Seriously, I’m glad you take out Little Stinker. It’s a beauty and looks like a lot of fun… 🙂


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