Replacement “Revenue”


Do you remember when repeal Obamacare became repeal . . .  and replace? In other words, government managed and government-enforced “health care” is now a given.

The government will simply diddle with the particulars.

And diddle us.

It will be the same with speed-limited cars, once those are fatwa’d here – as is now all-but-inevitable given they have just been fatwa’d there  – in Europe, where about a third of new cars sold here are made and so will be made with the same tech embedded in them and ready to go.

Think DRLs – the absurdly always-on headlights that almost all new cars have had since the ’90s, when GM began installing them in all its new cars because some of them were built (or sold) in Canada, which required them.

It will be the same with Intelligent Speed Assist – the euphemism for the EU-mandated electronic nanny which will force cars – force drivers – to obey all speed limits.

But this raises a practical problem.

Speed limits are designed to collect “revenue” – via selectively applied “fines” (a euphemism for taxes) applied to drivers who ignore them. Which is almost every driver.

On purpose.

For exactly that purpose – i.e., to collect as much “revenue” as possible by making almost every driver a de jure “speeder” ripe for a roadside mulcting. The fact that everyone who drives has received a “ticket” – that is to say, has been roadside taxed – is certain proof of a confected rather than moral offense.

The whole point of speed limits is to make everyone an “offender” – so that everyone can be made to pay. In principle and  – eventually – in fact.

But if drivers can no longer “speed” because their cars won’t allow it, what about all that lost “revenue” – which is many millions of dollars and upon which many counties and cities depend for their various make-work/wealth-transfer schemes?

The answer comes easily enough.

The government will simply raise other taxes, which are applied generally – rather than selectively (as “speeding” fines – i.e., taxes – are). For example, they could just increase current registration “fees.”

Or, it could create new taxes.

How about a “carbon tax” or “green tax” on cars? This could be your “contribution” – and mine – to the Green New Deal. Does it seem fanciful that President AOC would impose such a thing?

The most likely route, however, is probably a simple mileage tax. These are already in use, so it’s not a hypothetical. And most new and probably all future new cars could very easily have their accrued mileage monitored – and their owners docked – in real time. Imagine a parking meter situation – except for driving.

Of course, the fly in the soup here is that speed limited cars will have less and less appeal, so people will buy and drive them less and less. Which is the macro goal of these things, in my opinion.

So there will need to be taxes on things unrelated to driving and cars.

Also easy enough.

Why not, for example, simply raise existing property taxes to account for the “lost revenue,” for the sake of “the children,” of course. “The schools” can’t be allowed to deteriorate – and those poor “teachers” (i.e., government drones who have “certifications” to impart government hagiography and cripple critical thinking skills in children, so as to render them, per George Carlin, into obedient workers) need a raise… .

The principle that your home is subject to endless – and in principle, unlimited -mulcting by the county or city in which you live has been cemented into the law as well as accepted by the majority of Americans who consider themselves, falsely, free men and women. It does not occur to them that political freedom cannot exist in the absence of economic freedom – that if one can never be free of having to make payments to the government in order to be allowed to continue living in one’s own home, then one does not own that home – no matter how many decades have passed since the last mortgage payment to the bank was sent in.

And that people who cannot legally own anything are not and can never be free.

These deluded, bamboozled people – having accepted a lien in perpetuity on their property – have no defense in law or in logic against increases in the payments demanded by the lien holder.

That will be one way the “revenue” could be recovered.

But here’s another – darker – source:

A federal tax on property.

Why not?

Most people already pay both federal and state taxes on their income. The principle of dual income taxation has already been established in law and so, in logic, there is no logical reason why the practice ought not to be expanded to encompass tiered taxation on property.

You pay a federal property tax in addition to the local county/state property tax – in order to be permitted to continue to reside in the home you paid off decades ago. Uncle becomes the second lien-holder on “your” property – just as he is already the primary claimant on your income.

Read your Karl Marx (here).

Most Americans, of course, have not and so remain cognitively dissonant – and, accordingly, defenseless.

There is no reason whatsoever that a federal tax on property could not be added to their already exorbitant burdens. The government – federal, state, county or city – merely need assert a “need” and then impose it. There is certainly nothing in principle, recognized in law, to prevent it.

The principled counter to it – that “taxation,” as it is styled, is merely theft euphemized and that it is a moral wrong to steal, irrespective of need – isn’t merely an abandoned principle, it is a forgotten one.

The people having been conditioned to forget it. This conditioning being the primary purpose of “the schools” which serve as the main pretext for taxes on property, nicely completing the circle and making a sick joke of Massa Tom’s comment about the odiousness of compelling a man to furnish money for the propagation of views he considers abhorrent.

It’s not just abhorrent views being propagated in “the schools.”

It is legions of well-conditioned useful idiots who never think to question government lien-holding of property but are conditioned to regard the disposition of every other person’s property (and thus, their own) as subject to considerations of “public good” – which sounds good, as a turn of phrase, but in practice simply means the money-grubbing and mulcting of the politically stronger at the expense of the politically weaker.

What H.L. Mencken called the “advance auction of stolen goods,” in reference to elections.

So, there is no sound, impregnable or even defensible argument – among those accepted for the disposition of “public” questions – to prevent the current, selective, Speed Tax being replaced by far more remunerative general taxes, either brand-new or expanded.

This, too, is likely part of the macro plan.

Observe that it all trends in the same direction, which cannot be accidental or coincidental. We are to be relieved of the burden of self-controlled mobility just as we are already relieved of a third to half or more of our income. Both being the mechanisms by which we are being systematically relieved of our freedom.

The free range cow is becoming the feed lot cow.

And we all know what comes next.

. . .

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  1. The elephant in the room that no one even bothers to mention anymore is: Why can’t these government entities just accept lower revenues and get rid of a few mulcters?

    I’m not attacking this article, since I endorse every point made. I’m just saying that government considers that it’s goals of expansion are the only thing that matters anymore. Even though just about all their activities are not done in a manner that those living under its yoke would impose upon themselves if given the freedom to choose. Instead, all that happens is the parasite gets bigger and bigger, no matter what is done to try and enforce any limits upon it.

    Welcome to Amerika!

    • When you have Government department office managers openly stating “we have to spend the remainder of our budget before the end of the year or they will cut our budget next year”……. The game is obvious.

      • That’s been going on for decades. Getting rid of money at the end of the year so you don’t get less next year is a time-honored part of bureaucracies both public and private.

  2. “Think DRLs – the absurdly always-on headlights that almost all new cars have had since the ’90s, ”

    I’ve always driven Fords. None of them have that feature. My headlights will come on during a dark day if I use the “auto” setting.

    • I think his point was about how things we don’t have over here could come here anyway. It was in reference to how the new European cars will be speed limited in the EU from 2022 onward. Since we get a sizable number of European cars here, we’ll probably get those cars too even though we may not have the auto speed limit mandate yet. Eric was citing the historic example of GM cars that were built in Canada. Since Canada required DRLs on their cars, any Canadian built GM car that was sent here had them too. Since this sort of ‘cross cultural pollination’ happened before in the car business, it’ll likely happen again when European cars are built with the speed limiters; since they already have this feature, European cars bound for our market will have this feature too.

      BTW, I have Ford Focus with an auto headlight setting, and my headlights will turn on when it’s a dark day…

    • I agree that DRL’s are absurd and a needless drain on the battery but now that most states have the ridiculous law that “headlights must be on when the wipers are on” no matter how bright the day that feature saved my wife a mulcting from an AGW hanging out at a traffic light and writing up anyone not properly obeying. As others have mentioned here the gunvermin parasites will keep coming up with creative ways to extract cash from us.

      • Here in Alaska, they want your headlights on 24/7 whenever you’re on a state (as opposed to city) road. Supposedly, it makes it easier for other people to see you. Some cops give tickets for it, others forget to turn their own lights on. I myself think it’s the very definition of overthinking things, even if not necessarily a bad thing to do in the abstract.

  3. The next trick is OBD-2 forever. In most states after 25 years your car is “exempt” from pollution control systems. But the new movement is to change the rules so that OBD-2 vehicles, those built 1996 and later, must always pass the OBD2 check in those jurisdictions that require that check. This is all big cities right now but can go state wide as it is in California and Virginia. So what does that mean? As replacement parts go out of production you will find yourself with a vehicle that still runs fine but you can no longer buy that little valve that regulates your vapor emissions system, for example, the check engine light will come on and when you go to get your inspection your fail until you replace that part which is no longer available. So guess what? Scrap a perfectly good vehicle for want of a small valve that regulates the excessive vapor off your fuel tank on hot days. Or the one that switches on and off your exhaust gas recirculation valve. Etc.

  4. The George Carlin Vid reminded me that Catholic school was actually subversive, come to think of it. In 6th grade (around ’80) we had a Social Studies course wherein the teacher spent a week, maybe even two, just on the Kennedy assassination… and what a crock of shit the official story was. He showed the video of the assassination etc. Also, as I recall History classes throughout the entire term of my sentence in Catholic school, the holocaust was but a side mention. The math and science was sound, biology taught that there were only two sexes, male and female. Etc. Subversive by today’s standards.

  5. Eric, I wonder whether cars eventually will be programmed to obey speed recommendations as well. Seems nowadays every little bend is marked with an oh-so-saaaaaaaaaafe maximum speed. Will we be prohibited even the small pleasure of rounding a “35” corner at the posted speed limit of 55? Maybe Volvo will save us from ourselves by inventing a lateral acceleration limiter.
    Come to think of it, the yellow nanny signs might be a partial solution to their revenue problem. I can see a cop training his radar on the exit of a corner, and nailing the irresponsibly-frisky with “too fast for conditions.” The conditions being the because-we-say-so number on the sign.

  6. Hey Eric, though its not directly related to cars, it may be linked – Another thing thats suddenly popped up out of nowhere and suddenly seeming like a big thing is 5G wireless. Now id like to think im not exactly a Luddite – and my whole life ive pretty much had the latest gizmos of all kinds from the days of Casio digital diaries (i feel ashamed to say ive even once stood in one of those apple lines)….. That said, even I cannot figure out any point if having 5G. Yes when we went from 2-3g, I was excited. 3-4g also saw the reason and how it would benefit. But with 5G – I really dont get why one would need wireless internet of that speed – and what application can actually use it……. The advantages they say can all be had by better designed and more efficient use of existing technologies.

    But suddenly, 5G seems to be around the corner. Testing is full speed ahead. And most surprisingly (and quite out of character), governments are quick to clear up the regulatory framework required (despite if you remember decades of haggling and arguing over 3g and 4g licenses when there was an actual use case)….

    When you start looking at self driving / monitoring / tax as you go – it all starts making perfect sense…..

    • It would seem to me that smart televisions would work much better with 5 G. It’s not as good for distance though and from what I’ve seen requires a repeater every block or so. That will make sure townies get good and fried. Wish I had a link but I recently read an article that stated microwave increase in the US is something along the lines of a trillion trillion(don’t recall the correct word). That’s some dense stuff and they had a map. I was glad to be in west Tx.

      • Thing is if you put a repeater every block for 4g it will work well. but I think the idea is with more bandwidth, you can sell all devices such as smart TVs directly connected to the hive. No need (or ability) for you to pull the plug. And that will go to every other device in your home, from your kettle, your watch, thermostat – and ofcourse your self driving car (and even bike)…. and thats the real point of 5G the way I see it…. and why its being quickly waved through by everyone without any questions…..

        • Yep you can have your very own Uncle Sam controlled toaster connected to the internet to be hacked by Uncle Sam, and one can guess where that will lead…………….

    • It is for the coming IoT, internet of things, to pair with your smart meter to monitor every damn thing with a circuit in your household.

      • The next step will be rationing; I already get letters from the gas company admonishing me for using more gas than my “efficient” neighbors. So I guess I’ll just get the heat turned down to slightly above freezing if I exceed my Uncle determined quota.

    • There’s a ton of misinformation out there about 5G. There are two components to it, the signal and the frequency bands. The signal is just an evolution of modulation, sort of like going from AM to FM. The frequency bands are 600mhz, which is taken from the UHF TV band, and the 24GHz band. Eventually carriers will migrate their existing spectrum to 5G modulation as handsets are replaced, much like what happened with 3G and 4G. The handsets will use 600 MHz and the reallocated existing frequency bands.

      The 24GHz band, so-called millimeter wave, will be used to provide home service. There will be a device mounted on the exterior or in a window that faces the closest micro cell radio. The device will supply WiFi or Ethernet to the home. This will require hundreds or thousands of micro cells to be installed near homes. Verizon is testing services in Houston and getting permits to build out a fiber backhaul network in several cities. I would imagine they will also overlay the product in their existing FiOS cities too. I’m sure the plan is to cherrypick affluent neighborhoods first, then expand out to scale up.

      The reason for all the hype is because it is a viable competitor to cable companies. The build out cost is much cheaper than fiber to the home. There’s a good chance of a customer installed radio to work, although I’m sure they will be rolling a lot of trucks, especially when trees are in the way. And one micro cell can feed a few dozen or more customers, even more if there’s apartment buildings.

      As for radiation and health, I’d love to scare everyone into thinking there’s a hazard (especially since it is competition), but unless you’re standing on a ladder right next to the cell, you won’t have much to worry about. The inverse square law is still in effect. And don’t think you’re going to see a bunch of dead birds on the ground around them either. Birds would experience a feeling similar to what happens on high voltage transmission lines, so they’ll avoid any contact with the antennas.

      Or maybe I’m wrong and Verizon secretly wants to kill all their customers…

      • Verizon doesn’t give a shit beyond the bottom line…..Right Now. Studies from all over the world show microwave is a big deal, especially with children. Large doses from near towers contribute to 4-5 times as much cancer as those not exposed.

        Of course, it’s getting difficult to not be exposed since microwave in the US has increased something like a trillion trillion since 2005.

        I recall those old days of having the Escort go off out in the middle of nowhere and finally realized I was in between two of the rare ATT towers that existed back then. That was the good old days since you could use a tv antenna made for installing on a Dishnetwork or DTV dish and listen to military two way radio communications. It was interesting to hear what the C 130, 135’s and B1B’s were chatting about. Back then the B1 B’s chatted about all kinds of things right up until they tried to change wing angles and then their radio went dead, just like the plane and the crew. Dammit, if you can come up with enough moola to bribe Congress and hence, the Pentagon, you can sell lead airplanes and plastic tanks.

  7. Jeez Eric, don’t give them any ideas! Though I’m sure that this is in the pipeline along with whatever other evil schemes Uncle can concoct; now that I’ve been retired a few years I can see that I won’t be able to stay in my paid off (to the bank) house we’ve lived in since 1974. The portion of my never increasing income going to pay the forever increasing taxes will eventually force us out of here. The wife and I have considered Florida, which is a great move financially but far from friends and family, plus the heat and humidity are killer. Went down last September to check it out and just about had to change clothes every couple hours it was so bad. Guess I’ll just hang in here by inertia until I croak ?

    • What is known as The Big Country part of west Texas is cheap living although you might want to avoid Abilene. Get too far out west to Big Spring and prices are always higher on gas. Then again, that’s desert and it’s only beautiful to those who have a pump jack or three. Even in my county, there are wells that make 150 barrels day in and out. That’s nearly $3.3M a year with $60/barrel oil. It helps keep taxes low.

  8. Eric,

    While I understand where you’re coming from, the federal property tax will NOT help towns and states, the jurisdictions reliant on funds from speeding tickets. Increasing property taxes is a non-starter beyond a certain point in poor towns too. What will they do, kick all the poor people out of their houses? What if the town has a small tax base, meaning that increased property taxes still won’t make up for a town’s revenue shortfall?

    What these states and municipalities COULD do is a lot easier: just nail people for NON-SPEEDING violations. There are PLENTY of moving violations that have nothing to do with speeding. Didn’t come to a COMPLETE stop at the stop sign? You’re nailed! Didn’t use your turn signal at least 100 feet before your turn? You’re nailed! You didn’t signal your lane change? You’re nailed! Did you do a right on red without stopping? You’re nailed! Even though you came to a complete stop, did you overshoot the stop line? Congratulations, you just RAN the stop sign! IOW, even though localities and states may not be able to write speeding tickets on the newer, speed controlled cars, they can still pop us with PLENTY of moving violations, and thus continue mulcting us…

    • Non-speeding violations are much more difficult to enforce, people can better mount court defenses, and the fines are much lower. The last they could resolve the other two are much more difficult. Now maybe with cops running dash cams they could start having the same ease as with speeding tickets but there’s no making everyone a violator as there is by setting the speed limit low.

      Also once they start using cameras to get the ticket convictions the violations will drop. Driving will get less sloppy. Which is a good thing, but not at this cost. No matter how it is sliced revenue drops dramatically.

      • Brent,

        I’ve been popped for running lights before. They’re no harder to prove than a speeding ticket; if anything, it’s easier to prove because it’s on the cop’s say-so. The fines are quite lucrative too. Where I live, rolling through a stop sigh will cost you $142-BEFORE court costs…

        • Regarding stop sign tickets – some people have had success challenging the legitimacy of the stop sign itself. There will be a procedure for approval of stop signs specific to the jurisdiction and in at least some states the town or county has to get approval from the state before it can be installed. They don’t always bother, knowing that they will probably never be called on it. (Laws only apply to the little people.)

          By obtaining documents relating to the approval and installation of the stop sign during discovery in some cases it is possible to prove that the sign is invalid, rendering null and void any citation made in relation to it.

          Basically this is an example of using their own rules and regulations against them, one of the few approaches that actually has a chance of success. (I personally know someone who had success in having the court throw out a “failure to stop” ticket by doing this.)

        • But this is the dash cam era. If a cop lies and your dash cam video proves otherwise…. So you actually have to run the red light. Sure it can be done with the red light camera scam timing of the signals to a degree, but with a live cop it’s hard to make work. And the rlc scam has been falling apart since the Chicago redflex scandal.

          Automated enforcement for red lights, stop signs, etc, the only way they can make a lot of money puts a good hunk of those in the system out of work.

          • You mean redfucks. They are an Australian company. I’ve tried to have them prosecuted as they have those scameras here in Australia. Using the bribery cases in the US as reason that they are doing this here also. The useless Australia Federal Police declined to prosecute.

            • Redflex is simply the worst of them. And yes I am well aware that recent development where the government in Australia decided to let them off.

          • A rookie kwop once gave me one of those for a California roll at a downhill stop. When I went to court, the judge saw through the chicken shit roll trap and dismissed the charge.

        • I rem. when it was $35.00 in early ’70’s. around $200. in S.E. Ala, unless it went up recently. Glad we did lots of x- country travel when younger, we live on edge of city where speed limits are lower in town. Florida is a rip off state, they are into ticketing for anything hitting tourists. We quit going down there after the oil leak incident.

              • Thanks for the answer. I didn’t get Laura Ann’s remark at first, because the Gulf oil spill was a bit more than a mere oil leak…

                • Marky, I suppose you’re right in that it was manmade. I wonder what they call crude oil that is simply released from the ocean floor(nothing, it’s never mentioned), and an oil spill…..environmentally.

                  I’m not advocating letting the dicks get off scot-free(What the hell does that mean? I’m Scottish and see verily, no freedom.

                  It’s a moot point now that AOC is going to run the planet to her Ideals…..WTF ever they are.

                  I try to watch those AOC videos but can’t stomach her. Just a year ago she was a bigoted, low class Chicano from NYC. Now she’s going to have her likeness in solid form replace those of Confederate history who literally gave their lives for freedom. As Craig Robinson would say “Fuck this shit”.

    • Especially when the stop signs/lines on a lot of intersections are way too far back, so you can’t actually see when you’re at them whether there’s anyone coming.

      • I know what you’re saying. However, if the boys in blue want to nail you, they’ll find SOMETHING. The way to handle a set back stop sign or line is to stop at or before the line; then ease out to take a look from a good vantage point; if it’s safe, then you go. As long as you stop at or before the sign and/or line, then you have LEGALLY observed the sign; the boys in blue can’t LEGALLY nail you.

        • Another sneaky thing you have to watch out for is that in some states either statute or case law dictates you have to stop for a specific period of time (several seconds) or you will still be nailed for running the stop sign even if you came to a complete stop.

            • There is no end to the number of inventive ways the parasites, maggots, and leeches can come up with to extract revenue from us.

            • No not retarded Shotgun. The idea is to allow enough time for cross traffic to clear your blind spots before you move. A second or two can make all the difference. Blind spots are bigger than they used to be because the roof pillars are wider than they used to be due to increased rollover crush protection standards.

              • Milo, the ideal is for you to know what’s going on before you get to the stop sign. Stops signs are dangerous and should be replaced with “Yield” signs. No doubt about who has to stop…..if needed.

                I’ve been stopped so many times by the DOT I could begin to put a figure to it. I’m allowed, by law, to pull over for them……wherever I think there is a safe spot to do so.

                Since not being caught in the road by another vehicle, stopping is quite dangerous in that respect. When you get to the stop sign and there’s still no one in sight, it’s time to boogie and get to the lane or across the intersection or whateverthehell, it is you need to do.

                I have NEVER, as in NEVER, been stopped for failure to stop at a stop sign with a trooper on my butt lit up and waiting for me to pick a spot. Never even had one mention I went through several stop signs without stopping.

                When it gets right down to it, stopping in many instances is the worst thing you can do.

                My driveway is a mile from the nearest paved road. Looking to the left you see nothing but pasture, Mesquite trees for the most, and very little of the high speed curve, ok, none of the curve itself or maybe 100 feet.

                When I get to the end of the road that goes by my place, I can see over a mile to the right and that same restricted view to the left. The slower I come out on that pavement, the more danger I create for everyone including myself. And that, so to speak, is the reason the DOT has never even mentioned I didn’t stop at some stop signs.

                What really galls me is how you can attempt to know what’s going to be there coming at you in the next second, seconds or minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years? You can’t. I prefer that intersection at night, esp in a big rig. At least I can see headlamps through the trees.

                During the day, it’s anybody’s guess when someone will be all over you after having seen you when doing 70 mph(or more). This is always an unknown. Maybe they’re looking off to the side or maybe they just don’t see for shit. Either way, you’re better off to not stop and go with what you know at that second. Seconds later it’ll still be anyone’s guess what the hell might be coming.

          • Yes, here in the Chiraq area of northern Illinois, the AGW state you must come to a complete stop for three full seconds.

            • That is no where in the Illinois vehicle code. I looked for it once upon a time. All that is there is ‘complete stop’. 3 seconds is made up. Like most things here. Even if it’s a court precedent it still came out of someone’s ass.

        • IME they don’t ‘find something’ they make something up to pull someone over. Tickets are another thing, but I understand some cops do that too.

    • The answer is yes, they will kick poor people out of their houses…and let them starve. Just as “they” accuse those who espouse pure libertarian theory, or capitalist theory, i.e., “those evil free marketeers would let people starve, die, or live without free medical care. who will take care of the children”

      My city has a wheel tax. Yes, a wheel tax. I pay it when I register my car each year. It is flat and set by the city. It is always increased.

      You have no rights. Get it through your heads, your children’s heads, your grandchildren’s, neighbors, friends, etc. Stop trying to “change” things in the USA, it’s already too late. Use your time in preparing for your own survival. What do you think is coming next? Forget property taxes, sales taxes and the like. Think a bit more basic.
      Remember the Ukrainians starved by the millions. Remember the Cambodians slaughtered by their children. Remember the Japanese Americans thrown into concentration camps less than 100 years ago.
      Remember that our police kill over 1000 of us every year. Remember the USA puts more of its own citizens in prison than any other political system on earth.
      Soon every single car on the road will become a prison, controlled by “them”. Along with every thermostat, every bank account, every phone, every computer; your ability to live controlled with just a few tippy-types of a keyboard. Do you really think Americans will be able to resist that kind of power just because they are…Americans?

        • Thee will be no blood. The murican people are too fat, lazy, hooked on useless tv shows, and worshipping of Uncle’s interventions in every country in the world. Even when they are in the concentration camps……………….

          • As long as “Dancing With the Stars” is shown on the telescreens most people will be quite content with Uncle’s accommodations.

  9. There is no easy way to replace speeding ticket, DUI, and other traffic fine revenue. This system of revenue was built up because the masses who are not selected for enforcement, like the ten over clover driving some sort appliance, will accept it. They like the idea of other people being taxed while they just receive services or a lower tax bill. That’s what built this system. New taxes would tax them. They’ll start to grumble. It could cause a lot of problems.

    And then there will be the traffic problems that will be bad for business.

    So to force travel at the speed limit will require admitting the speed limits have been under posted for decades if they want it to work for business.

    It’s quite a political bind. So much so they may simply avoid the issue.

  10. Once upon a time, slavery was legal. It was a huge industry that kept much of the world running, kept many men well-fed and provided great economic benefit to some. People believed that it was as inherent to life as air and water, and that it would never go away.

    It was also a moral abomination.

    The abolitionists were driven by their conviction that human beings were not property and that no man could own another. They made the moral case that slavery was evil, and eventually convinced the world they were right.

    Now, slavery is gone in the civilized world, regarded as barbaric and treated harshly when it’s discovered.

    Taxes are the same, particularly income tax. They’re a huge industry that keeps many well-fed, they support thriving industries (like CPAs and tax preparers) and people think they’re inherent in the fabric of reality.

    But they’re not. They’re a moral abomination, same as slavery.

    I think it was Thomas Sowell who asked at what point an immoral act (one man stealing from one other man) becomes a moral good (the whole of society stealing from one man).

    Where are the tax abolitionists? Where are the people who will make the moral argument that taxation is wrong because it’s theft – regardless of what good things that money might be used to do?

    Maybe that person, who will be forever known to history in the future as the person who staked the vampire of taxation, exists right now – and is currently about to lose his house over an assessment.

    I’m sure the abolitionists were told they were quixotic, too.

    • Hi Ice,

      “Where are the tax abolitionists? Where are the people who will make the moral argument that taxation is wrong because it’s theft – regardless of what good things that money might be used to do?”

      There are lots of them. Every An-Cap argues this point. Frank Chodorov wrote this in the 1950’s.


      • more then half the people collect taxes for sitting home or maybe “working ” for the loot all across the looted plains. so how in gods name would there ever be a movement to really immensely cut taxes. I live in upper middle class suburb of NYC and I would say 60-70% of the people here don’t work. tons of traffic during the day with mostly one person in a car. THEY ARE NOT WORKING

        • I didn’t say they will succeed or have been successful, just that they exist (as a response to another poster). I agree with your analysis. That’s why I think radical decentralization is the best hope.


    • I’ve Age,

      “Once upon a time, slavery…Now, slavery is gone…”


      Did you miss the “except as punishment for a crime“ part of the 13th amendment?

    • Slavery was not ended in the USA, it was expanded to include more people.
      The 13th Amendment describes “involuntary servitude” as slavery.
      Taxes are slavery. You are forced to work for someone else. No argument.

  11. As always, I see the only solution is for 50% or more of the population to be a member of a local civics group, but a centralized group, like each county (or multi-county region) should have one non-partisan civics group, and that would give The People all the power they need to fix this country. Back in the early 1900’s and prior, there was low population so an entire town could fit inside a building and have a meeting, plus the newspaper was their communication system and wasn’t as corrupt as they are nowadays. But nowadays, with a HUGE population, The People have lost control over this country, they are completely unorganized right now, so this country is basically run by a bunch of dictators who are all basically “Hydra” agents. Sure, there’s small specialized groups/organizations for one cause or another, but they don’t have enough numbers to have enough power, and they aren’t decentralized so they sometimes become taken over by enemy infiltrators. The People really need to organize and make that a part of their culture, to vote on everything and tell the govt employees to do their job or else get fired or jailed … but nowadays alot of govt employees are so bad that their crimes are actually death penalty crimes, yet they walk around free and don’t even get fired! This country is being overrun by gremlins right now, and The People better take over soon, or things just keep getting worse … Venezuelamerica is our destiny unless some huge fundamental changes happen, which I think the only successful solution is huge/massive regional civics groups which use a website to facilitate every person to be able to propose ideas, vote fraudproof (with serial numbered ‘ballots’), and comment on everything.

  12. Your video and article pretty well covered the what. The why is most Americans are lazy. This should be obvious just looking at others around you when shopping. Most today are way overweight. They dress as though they were at home alone. I just read an article where suits are going bye bye. They shop Amazon and other online stores because they don’t want to go anywhere. Now they’re even sending a shopping list to the store. The store does the shopping,,, they go pick it up. Soon the store will probably deliver.

    Most of the generations following the boomers have been completely lobotomized. Some like you didn’t fall for it but most,,, 99%,,, did. They have been led to believe the USA is a democracy. They are not schooled into the difference between a constitutional republic and a democracy. They don’t have a clue nor do they want to know.

    Today they’re screaming the electoral, education and economic systems are racist. Even the Constitution has been declared racist by most universities. They have no clue the electoral system was to protect the smaller states. The education system as it was a few years ago required work, and the same for the economic system. Again… plain old laziness.

    Sooo, it amounts to them being conditioned that the tyrannical majority system is best,,, Any law passed, regardless of constitutionality is to be obeyed. Jury nullification of ridiculous law is bad. And their every need is to be provided by government…. free.

    They have no problem with the electronic chains being wrapped around us. They know no freedom as they have never been allowed to experience it. At Day Care, at Skool and even at play they are caged behind tall fences with ‘adults’ to tell them they cannot do this or that. Cops are allowed to come into the skool with their guns and even their tactical to lecture the kiddies. Even a kid can see who has the power over them. They are no longer claiming to be Public Servants,,, they are now Law Enforcement. Again telling the kiddie that any law passed will be enforced by the gun. Even something as simple as vaccinations. A hut hut hut team was sent to a home in Chandler Arizona because he was unvaccinated and the family did not follow the doctors ‘orders’.

    As for house taxes, it’s ridiculous. I remember when Iowa (I think) had the chance to vote them away. They actually voted against the resolution because they were told it would destroy the skools and they would no longer enjoy the services the state provides. So, there is Americanus Stupidus today.

    I could go on and on but for the sake of brevity I’ll cut it here to again simply encompass the entire problem with “You can’t win against educated stupid”

    • In PA, when the Republicans controlled both the governor’s mansion and legislature prior to January 2015, they had the CHANCE to eliminate the school portion of the property tax; there was a bill to do just that. The school tax is the most onerous (read costly) portion of one’s tax bill-especially if you’re childless! Anyway, the PA Republicans couldn’t muster the votes to pass the school tax repeal; they didn’t have the political will to pass it, so PA residents are still saddled with it.

      • I think the worst part about school taxes is how they fail, by design, to achieve their stated (i.e. human) objectives. John Taylor Gatto, while he’s said some things I don’t necessarily agree with, did have one very relevant story about it. Once upon a time, there was a school district which failed badly enough to get sued by the NAACP. Federal judge invites the plaintiffs to design the perfect schools, then socks the city with an utterly ruinous property tax bill to pay for it all. Suddenly the district is swimming in cash and can afford all its wildest educational dreams. Fast forward through a few years of this, and find that the quality of education has actually decreased in nearly every way. He summed it up pretty well, I think. “Giving schools more money only encourages them to intensify the destructive operations they already perform.

  13. I was a real estate agent for a decade. Almost no one today is mortgage free. People move around too much (8 years on average) and live in places they really can’t afford (that is most major and not so major metro areas on an average income IMHO).

    Before the 1980’s a large segment of the population would pay off their mortgage in their mid 40’s if they bought their house at age 25 because the average mortgage length was 20 years and the house rarely cost more than $50,000 to buy in the first place. So even if you weren’t making big bucks, you still had a chance at owning your own house and creating a bit of wealth for yourself. A good example of that was my former neighbor. She and her late husband built the house when they were both 25 in 1955. They paid off their mortgage early so she lived in that house from 1970-2016 not owing a bank a cent.

    The days of a nice house for $20,000-$100,000 are long behind us in most of the USA. Unfortunately average income has lagged home prices for decades now. Makes getting into real estate investing much harder too.

    • I made my last mortgage payment this month. I hope to never make another. It was a 15 year fixed note, at dubiously low rates thanks to the Fed juicing the system by putting points out on the street. Aside: as Rothbard pointed out when asked if a libertarian should take social security, the money is out there and someone is going to take it. So it might as well be you. I dumped as much money into paying off that damn thing as I could. A few people asked me why I wasn’t putting money into the stock market or other investments. I tried to explain that I was already in the hole, why try to climb up an investment from a negative position? Better to get back to ground level, then work your way up. And even though I refer to the last 5 years as “austerity” it really didn’t hurt at all, and in fact led me to develop some very good habits especially when it comes to food and entertainment. Now I have options.

      • When financial subjects come up on other websites I offer paying down debt as the biggest safe return possible. Then the people who repeat what authority says tell me I am moron because I should be investing the money in the stock market. I ask them, where can I get a safe return greater than current mortgage and car loan rates. I have been doing this for years. I *NEVER* get an answer. The most I ever got was some guy who claimed to be some sort of financial advisor and that I would have to pay him for the answer. I challenged him for just a general vague answer like one would get from TV shows. He continued to evade answering.

        I get it, risk pays more than safe. But paying down debt has been the king of safe for a decade now. And the risk level to get a 3-4% return outside of paying down debt has been considerable.

        • I just read a very interesting article showing that while it is true that index funds will outperform most managed funds over the long haul, market timing is still the biggest variable as to if you make money or not. Because no one has an infinite timeline. And despite the Fed’s best efforts, technology and third world labor continue to drive prices down, except for Uncle’s prize pony industries.

      • I’ve heard that rationalization about Social Security but can’t see my way to it. Bottom line is the money is being stolen at gunpoint from someone else. These days probably from someone else who is barely able to keep a roof over their head and food on the table. I’m just not interested in the federal gangsters’ stolen goods. (I’ve found it’s not even possible to have a rational discussion about this with most people, particularly older folks. All they see or care about is “I worked all my life and I want muh Social Security and muh Medicare and who cares where it comes from.”

    • Houses have gotten a lot BIGGER since then too. Back in the old days, houses were a lot smaller and a lot more basic; for example, they didn’t have multiple bathrooms and walk-in closets.

      • You can’t really find a small house in a decent neighborhood anymore, except in some backwater small towns.

        We paid off our house in 10 years, sometimes making double and triple payments when I was working full time. It’s bigger than we need now, but at the time we had two teenage daughters at home and I needed a room for a home office.

        • Hi Dread,

          Exactly why I moved to a backwater small town. If you can do so, I recommend doing so. It is among the few realistic ways to snatch back some economic freedom. If I had stayed in the BigCity – Northern Va – I’d be chained to making huge payments on a townhouse with my very own parking spot at the curb and spending two-plus hours a day in traffic to get anywhere. Shoot me, merciful god… please.

          So I fled. The next logical step, of course, is to flee Uncle entirely and expat. WhichI would seriously consider if I didn’t have to leave my family (cats/friends/familiar things) behind…

          • Hah! We left all the hustle and bustle of a backwater small town (not to mention the gossip!). We live on 40 acres ten miles off the highway, 16 miles from nearest gas station, 25 miles from a little grocery store, and 65 miles (by highway) from Walmart. Still, this is almost suburban by Montana standards. I reckon we could have moved up in the Missouri Breaks and be 60 miles from a paved road.

            “Familiar things” – does that include guns ? //wink

    • You do have a VAT. It’s called sales tax. Don’t believe those yank governments are going to pass on stealing your money.

  14. Eric,

    I think one BIG reason why property taxes aren’t noticed, let alone opposed, is because they’re folded into one’s mortgage payment. In this way, it’s like income tax withholding. Because one’s income tax is taken before they ‘see’ the money, they don’t notice it; if people had to CUT A CHECK for their income taxes, you bet your bippy they’d be noticed! That’s why FDR’s administration instituted withholding in the first place: so folks wouldn’t NOTICE how much the gov’t is taking from them. The same applies to property taxes.

    You see, I never took note of my property taxes when I had a mortgage on my house; it was neatly folded into my monthly mortgage payment. Oh, the monthly payment might go up a few dollars a month every year, but it never got my attention because I never had to cut a check for them. Now that I have to cut a check, I notice them more-as do you.

    Unfortunately, most folks I don’t think ever pay off their houses. Either they put money in their kids’ college funds at the expense of paying off their mortgages; or they do so at their expense of saving for retirement; or they refinance their mortgages for whatever reasons; or they pull equity out of their homes. The upshot is that most folks carry a mortgage INTO RETIREMENT now! I was genuinely shocked! I was under the impression that, until recent times, before the time one reached retirement, one had paid off the mortgage; I thought that this was part of retirement planning and preparation. Why would anyone want that big a bill going into retirement? Why would they want a mortgage at a time when their income was about to take a dip? I was surprised the other day when, on recent a weekend, I caught this on a local retirement/money show. This means that the vast majority of the sheeple out there always have a mortgage on their house; they never, ever get RID of it.

    Since many folks, for various reasons, always have a mortgage on their house, they always have their property taxes neatly folded in to the monthly payment. They never get their ACTUAL property tax bills, because these go to the lender as long as you have a mortgage on your house. Only when you pay off the mortgage do you get the property tax bills; only then do you have to cut a SEPARATE CHECK for them; only THEN do you really NOTICE them. In this respect, it’s similar to income tax withholding. Since the mortgage is always there, the property tax is always there too. While there is a separate line item on the mortgage for this, it’s euphemistically called ‘escrow’, the amount the lender has to set aside for the property taxes; it’s not CALLED property taxes. This means property taxes are UNDER most peoples’ radar; since it’s under the typical “homeowner’s” mental radar, they never notice, let alone CARE about it. It’s just another monthly payment, man! If they don’t care about it, they surely won’t OPPOSE the dastardly practice of the property tax. See how that works?

    I submit to you, Eric, that TPTB want us in perpetual debt for multiple reasons. Not only does it reduce our economic freedom; not only does it reduce our options; not only does it enslave us; it also allows TPTB to HIDE pernicious things like the property tax. If people always have a mortgage payment, they never really notice that they’re paying them, let alone how MUCH. If people don’t notice the property tax, they don’t CARE about it; if they don’t care about it, they won’t OPPOSE it, let alone try to get rid of it; they sure as hell won’t go after those enslaving them! It’s ingenious in a demonic way…

    • Hi Mark,

      This is extremely well-said; herzlichen dank!

      I feel the bite twice every year; the SOBs in my county demand 50 percent of the total annual “rent” every six months.

      It is among my largest unavoidable costs of living. If I didn’t have to pay “rent” on the house I paid off 15 years ago, I’d have an extra $2,0000 of my money in my pocket each, which would cover my utilities for the entire year and leave me some spending money for little projects.

      Instead, I am forced to hand over more of my already taxed income to these greasy parasites, whose larynxes I’d love to collapse, so I could watch them asphyxiate in front of my very eyes.

    • Withholding is a financial anesthetic – it’s purpose is to make ripping part of your paycheck away from you painless.

      • You’re right; that is the purpose. If people had to CUT a check to Uncle Sam on a regular basis, they’d notice the tax a lot more.

        • Marky,

          “they’d notice the tax a lot more.”

          Ya think.

          For a period of time, when frequenting party stores in metro Detroit, specifically those opened by new immigrants, I would complain that they were falsely advertising the prices.

          “Why does your price tag say $1.00 and then you tell me I owe you $1.04?”

          They would of course tell me it was sales tax.

          Eventually I would get them to admit that they were in fact revenuers. Some would even admit that they got a cut.

          My friends would do the same and we made it a point to include, “they shoot revenuers in this country.” We did this as jovially as we could.

          Eventually 4 or 5 stores instituted “out the door” pricing and everyone loved it.

          The store owners loved the extra business because many customers thought they were getting a deal.

          This lasted a few years until one guy posted the price of his gasoline without tax.

          I think they sent him back to a UN refugee camp in Syria.

          Apparently Big Bro don’t like it when people see what the price on gas is BEFORE taxes.

      • Much revered? He’s almost GODLIKE among the right! You’ll never hear about THAT, though. That’s probably because most conservatives don’t KNOW. You’ll never hear Rush, Hannity, Levin, et all point THAT out about Mr. Friedman…

        • Hi Mark and Bill,

          Mr. Friedman was most interested in “efficiency”. Generally, he saw freedom and free markets as the most efficient means to a “good” end, which is why he is revered among conservatives and some libertarians. At heart he was a utilitarian and despised the natural rights purists like Rothbard.


      • Hi Bill,


        I have never liked Friedman; neither his ideas or his writing (prolix, pedantic and bureaucratic).

        Withholding is satanic – and I don’t subscribe to any particular deity. Money you never possess being money you never miss.

        People naturally regard their “take home” pay as their actual pay. Uncle’s theft therefore passes by unnoticed.

        But for the dwindling number of self-employed people who have to cut that check every quarter… the bite is impossible not to feel.

        If everyone had to do that – write a check to Uncle every quarter – there might actually be pushback.

        • Eric, I just wrote a fat check to those evil bastards even though I’ve been retired for three years. I sold some CNC machining centers and other equipment from my shop in 2018. I paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for these machines, and sold them for a fraction of that. I paid for them with my own money, paid interest to the bank, property taxes on them to finance crappy schools for other people’s kids, and payroll taxes on the people I employed. But now, because I depreciated them as business property, I have to pay income tax on every penny of the sale prices. This so the parasites can scold me for being white as they bomb brown people on the other side of the planet.
          One thing that really pisses me off about Friedmanite conservatives is when they answer complaints about the rich not paying their “fair share” solely with stats about how much the rich pay in taxes. Taxes don’t make us better off; capitalism does. It is the poor who don’t pay their fair share where it really counts: in saving, investment and risk-taking.

          • I may sound heartless when I say this, but so be it: poor people often make choices that KEEP them poor. I’ll give you an example.

            At times, I take the local city bus. Either my car is in the shop for the day; or downtown where I live is cordoned off, and I cannot drive there; for whatever reason, I take the bus sometimes. What does that have to do with anything?

            Well, I noticed that a lot of people will pay FULL FARE for the trip when they don’t HAVE to. I got a 10 ride ticket, which equates to a 20% discount of the full fare. I don’t know of ANY normal investment paying that much! The 10 ride ticket is good forever too; it has no expiration date. Even so, many obviously poor people don’t take ADVANTAGE of such a discount. Just that one little thing would save them 20%. Poor people do a lot of things that KEEP them poor.

            • Probably because they don’t have the money all at once for a 10 ride ticket.

              There are two ways to go about life economically. More if you consider the finer details but I boil them off to two. One is to get while the getting is good and the other is save for a rainy day.

              There are likely environmental reasons for each. Those who get while the getting is good survive to the next day. Those who save and prepare survive the winter.

              In the capitalist system poor people are those who concern themselves about the immediate. Be it wants or needs. The better off people are those who save and prepare.

              Ever see those occasional human interest story about someone who worked low paid jobs his or her entire life and then left some great sum of money to a school or charity or whathaveyou upon their passing? Someone we are told would be among the hapless ‘poor’ but were not actually ‘poor’ because of being a saver.

              In a free country it’s possible even for those who don’t make much money to be ‘rich’ with self discipline. When the country isn’t free most everyone ends up poor because anything they manage to do for themselves is taken by those who don’t do for themselves.

              File under reasons why there is no such thing as tax the rich. I have maybe a half dozen core reasons for this. Maybe it’s time to write an essay.

              • They couldn’t have even saved their pocket change? My jar will need to be emptied again soon. They couldn’t have cut down on what they smoke? You know that many poor people smoke, right? Do you know how EXPENSIVE a pack of cigarettes is? Last time I checked, a pack cost like $6.50-$7.00; it may be more now. Assuming they smoke a pack a day; assuming a cost of $6.50 per pack; that comes out to $2,372, almost $2,400 a year!

                Sorry, a 10 ride ticket isn’t that expensive. If someone is in a pinch, they cam purchase a day pass; a day pass costs the same as two trips would cost. With a day pass, you can ride the bus as often as you want until midnight that day. I did that one day when my car was in the shop one day. I needed to make like 3-4 trips, and I didn’t want to burn up my 10 ride ticket. When I was done, I gave my day pass to someone else. More often than not, poor people are poor because of the CHOICES they make.

                • I think you missed my point. My point is that they did spend their money on other things because they want stuff now. They have to get the cigs or whatever now because they have to get while the getting is good.

          • Amen, Roland… and, I’m sorry. I get it. Personally get it.

            I also work my skinny ass off to provide for myself – and not be a maggot parasite on others. For this, I am punished…as are other self-sufficient, productive people such as yourself. It’s an atrocity.

        • Hi Eric,

          Agreed, Milton Friedman is to Murray Rothbard as Martin Luther King is to Malcolm X. The former, whether they knew it or not, were mostly controlled opposition who ultimately served the interests of the State. The latter promoted ideas that were truly inimical to those interests.

          Your take on withholding is absolutely correct. Milton proposed it as a “temporary” measure to finance war spending. He imagined that it would end after the war, which he should have known was absurd. As I said earlier Friedman was primarily concerned with “efficiency”, not principle. He promoted school vouchers, a negative income tax (now called universal basic income) and a steady rate of inflation through central banking. When critics pointed out the obvious: that school vouchers would undermine the independence of private schools, that a UBI would disincentivize work and thus create political pressure to regularly increase it, and that the Federal Reserve is not a disinterested, apolitical body, but a de facto arm of the State that will almost always accommodate the wishes of politicians, he derided them as lunatics.

          “If everyone had to do that – write a check to Uncle every quarter – there might actually be pushback.” The recognition of this obvious fact was Friedman’s stated reason for promoting a withholding tax. Ironically, the apostle of limited government arguably did more to expand government than anyone else. He excused this colossal mistake with these words: “I have no apologies for it, but I really wish we hadn’t found it necessary and I wish there were some way of abolishing withholding now.”

          Kind Regards,

  15. Hey Eric, good comments in the video, but it’s almost unwatchable because of all the camera shake. For the cost of any modern iPhone (an old 7 or even a 6, iirc) you get smooth video with image stabilization! I got mildly nauseous trying to watch that! Alternatively, I believe most of the other popular video cam also have image stabilization now.


    • Hi Cold,

      I know – but I’m po’ … I can’t afford to spend hundred of dollars on an iPhone, etc. I can barely afford to keep myself treading water. I’m a one-man pony show… so, my apologies; I do the best I can with what I’ve got…

      • Are you using a digital video camera or a phone? If the former, my mount is a big sheet metal U bracket that I reshaped and dipped in tool dip. A 3/8ths in screw holds the camera to it via the tripod mount and I slip the other end under the passenger side headrest. I made it with stuff I had scavenged and was laying around for a net investment of zero. Sure there is still shake, but only from the car and road.

  16. Having grown up under Soviet Union oppression, I’m stunned to see how quickly we are approaching that level of totalitarianism. The US built up a huge cache of wealth during its free market period, and so we have a lot of positive economic inertia, but the government is sabotaging that constantly, in every market segment that it touches with its gnarled finger of death. At some point, the economy will irrecoverably collapse, with car companies near the first casualties. It’s so depressing to see these elected idiots destroying a great country.

    I guarantee that if these stupid speed limiters are sold here, people who work with car electronics will find a way to bypass them. If I find a fix for any car, I know it’s hitting the internet for free.


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