AGW Charged With Sex Crimes


Here’s another example of how AGWs “serve and protect”:

An Ohio State Highway Patrol trooper was arrested and charged with gross sexual imposition.

According to the Ohio Attorney General’s Office, Christopher Ward was indicted Monday on two charges of gross sexual imposition and one charge of sexual imposition involving two separate victims, one of which was a minor.

One of the cases is from January 2015 and another from March 2018. The indictment was unsealed at the request of the Assistant Attorney General.

Ward was arrested Monday in Englewood without incident.

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost says that there may be additional victims who have not come forward.

“We have reason to believe there may be other victims who have not yet come forward,” Attorney General Yost said. “We are prepared to use all available resources and are calling on the public to assist us in conducting a thorough investigation.”

The Ohio State Highway Patrol confirmed Tuesday Ward is a trooper assigned to the Piqua District HQ and has been employed by the State of Ohio since 1998.

OSHP Lieutenant Robert Sellers said, “The conduct of Mr. Ward does not reflect the values of our agency. He has been placed on unpaid leave pending the outcome of an internal investigation.”

Ward was arrested in Englewood and taken to Preble County for processing. He is being arraigned in Butler County Tuesday.

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  1. A cop AND a child molester? Oh please let him spend some quality time with the other inmates. Please, I beg of you.

  2. “OSHP Lieutenant Robert Sellers said, “The conduct of Mr. Ward does not reflect the values of our agency.”

    Well, thank goodness for that! I was beginning to wonder, until Mr. Sellers pointed this out.


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