Reader Question: Chevy Silverado – Thumbs up or Thumbs Down?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply! 

Jeremy asks: I have been looking into this truck because I wanted the 6.2 liter engine. I know you’re a busy individual but wanted to know your honest opinion on this. Pros and Cons.

My reply: Much as I loathe GM, the company, I love the LS V8.

The 6.2 version that’s optional in the Silverado is basically the same engine used in the Corvette. It gets this half-ton truck to 60 in less than 6 seconds. That is strong! And the big V8 is also relatively simple. Two-valve heads, pushrods – single camshaft.

No turbo!

I much prefer this engine to the complex twin-turbo V6 in the F-150 and the new Borg’d version of the Hemi V8 in the new Ram 1500.

But, the rest of the Silverado… not as much. I am not a fan of the ten-speed automatic transmission (it is programmed to shift in such a way as to maximize mileage, even at the expense of drivability) and if it breaks after the warranty expires… may the motor gods have mercy!

GM is also very hard-selling the nanny stuff. If you dislike being nannied, you may not like this truck. Also, the 6.2 is only available in the more expensive versions of the Silverado.

I would suggest having a look at the 2019 Ram Classic – which is the “old” Ram 1500 but sold brand-new, side-by-side the just-updated version. You can get the Hemi in this one without the 48 volt hybrid system and with a more sane eight-speed automatic. These are great trucks and while the 5.7 Hemi isn’t quite as strong as the 6.2 LS in the Chevy, it is still very strong and I doubt you will be disappointed!

. . .

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  1. Hey Eight,

    When I woke up this morning and saw your comment, I wondered if I’d gotten really drunk last night and started babbling on about trucks.


  2. Jeremy, the 6.2 is a real horse BUT it had DFM that deactivates 4 cylinders under light load. The only way to affordably fix it is to disable it. In real world driving it makes not a whit of difference in fuel mileage according to every person I know who has had one.

    If it were under warranty, you’d still do without for quite possibly a long time due to shops not having real mechanics and so many vehicles to fix. This isn’t endemic to GM, it’s something that can be said about all brands.


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