Video Rant: Deceptive Unanimity


Here’s a short rant about how a false narrative of unanimity is created by the media oligopoly.

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  1. The stories are so much the same that, if you play different presenters on different networks side-by-side, they literally SAY THE SAME THINGS! You can find the clips on YouTube, but it’s comical. You can have presenters from CNN, CNBC, ABC, you pick the network; they’ll present the same stories, with the same words, the same intonations, and even the same gestures. It’s so ridiculous that, once you get past the identity and appearance of the presenter, it’s like they’re the same person; they’re interchangeable parts, really…

    I have to have people like you remind me of this though, because I gave up watching the national, corporate media DECADES ago. I don’t call ’em mainstream, because there’s NOTHING mainstream about them…

    • That’s largely due to the unified press schedule. Most of what’s called news is actually scheduled press conferences and events. And because they’ve all come up through the same system.

      Or it’s because the CIA is still staffing pressrooms.

      Take your pick.

      The thing that bothers me more than anything is the “newscaster delivery” way of speaking. No one talks like they do. They’re trained, much like how Katharine Hepburn spoke in the Transatlantic accent, a pseudo-intellectual speech pattern that was popular with the east coast elites in the 1930s and ’40s. The oddly timed pause, the strange shifting of accents when pronouncing names, the whole thing just feels like it worked for one guy, so now everyone does it.


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