Reader Question: OBD-free?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Robert asks: What car models (foreign/domestic) do not have OBD? Model year and make?

My reply: Pretty much every car made since the mid-1990s has OnBoard Diagnostics (OBD) II – including the universal plug-in port for OBD scan tools, as well as a common “diagnostic language.” This is actually a good thing in that regardless of make or model, you can use the same scan tool to pull codes and so on, which makes servicing these cars easier than dealing with the pre-OBD II (but still computer-controlled) cars made from circa early ’80s through the early ’90s.

The downside, of course, is that OBD II cars are also all set up to be monitored – or rather, to monitor your driving – by the insurance mafia or the government. Via the same plug-in port, which can be used to plug in a device that transmits data to either entity – or both of them. You have probably seen the ads – Progressive Insurance was one of the first – pushing this tech, which I fully expect will be made a requirement as the country goes further into police statehood.

It’s another example of technology which can be good used for bad – which is why I am becoming a reluctant Luddite as regards technology. Almost all of the “soft” tyranny we are dealing with is made feasible by technology – and would not be possible if the tech didn’t exist.

For example, the constant data mining of our lives; the raping of our privacy by corporations and government.

Ok, end of rant!

Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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