AGW Commits Battery – Victim Hut! Hut! Hutted!


Here’s video of an AGW committing battery – physically assaulting a man who had not laid hands on him first but who had the temerity to video record the AGW and not defer to the AGW’s Authority.

Now, what’s interesting about this is the fact that if the victim had hard-pushed the AGW it would have resulted in arrest – and probably a summary beatdown, too.

But the AGW is able to get away with physically assaulting the man – and then arresting him!

How is that AGWs are legally immune from the consequences of things which if we did them would be prosecuted as crimes?

Put another way: Why is there a double standard for AGWs? Why are they free to break the laws we’re required to obey?

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  1. “How is that AGWs are legally immune from the consequences of things which if we did them would be prosecuted as crimes?”

    C’mon Eric,

    Without immunity for those in the “justice” system, AGW’s and prosecutors couldn’t do their jobs and society would collapse into anarchy. A dystopian nightmare would descend upon the world! What’s a few unjustified beatings or murders in the face of that.


    • Jeremy,

      “A dystopian nightmare would descend upon the world!”

      That’s news to me.

      I thought it already had. If only I could remember to take my Ginkgo Biloba.

      When was utopia restored?

        • Well Jeremy, I was hoping the last few decades were just a nightmare and I could still go to Michigan and Trumbull and sit in the bleachers.

          You ever eat across the street at Checker Cab? Ham hocks with greens and cornbread beat the hell out of stadium food.

  2. How is that AGWs are legally immune from the consequences of things which if we did them would be prosecuted as crimes?

    It’s ‘different’ when they do it!


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