Bag ’em, Dano!


Here’s some interesting footage of a 12-year-old kid being Hut! Hut! Hutted! for reasons unclear . . . and then bagged.

The kid is thrown to the ground in the now-usual manner but unusually, an AGW appears with what appears to be a plastic bag, which he places over the kid’s head.

The practice isn’t new, just newly applied.

Other armed government workers – i.e., the “military” – use the technique to disorient captives. But it’s unusual to see civilian AGWs (who pretend they are military) bag and gag their prey.

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  1. That bag thing is disgusting, right out of the playbooks of the Stasi and KGB. Just call them what they have voluntarily become. Thinkpol from Miniluv (in their own language, Newspeak).

  2. Not a man among that group of costumed thugs. A man would have immediately removed the chains from this kid, sat him down and talked to him respectfully and sent the other thugs away. What a bunch of cowards, afraid of a 12 year old boy. The amount of mental gymnastics required to treat a kid this way must be astounding.

  3. Kid probably didn’t do a damned thing.
    Amazing how these dicks can find ‘someone’ to jack with for ‘something’.


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