Reader Question: Personal Visit?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

John asks: Once in a while, I am in the Salem, Va. area.  Is there any way I could personally visit you on one those occasions? What is your phone number, so I can get in touch and let you know?

My reply: I welcome random stop ins! The chief issue here is my erratic schedule. I may or may not be home – depending on the day, deadlines – and how dead I am that day.

I generally run “down the mountain” – as we say in my neck – to spend a few hours at the coffee dive I frequent, where the wi-fi is fast and I’m not inundated by cats sore at me because I’m paying more attention to my keyboard than to them. Then back up the mountain, to cut grass or deal with other chores.

But anyone in Our Club is invited to make the attempt!

Earlier is usually better than later; I get stupid after six or so and am usually on the sofa and half asleep by 8.

Knock on the front door – not the side door.

PS: I’m up in Floyd – the county south of Roanoke (and Salem). Will send the secret number privately.


Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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