Reader Question: Yankee Pricing?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Matt asks: I am wondering if the fiat pricing is different in different areas? I am in MA. It seems even the list price on the Fiat Pop is $19,000. Do car companies sell for higher prices based on regional income factors? I for one am not a high nosed, high income yankee! I have always wanted a Fiat and if I had to travel (in spite of MA tax/excise tax) would probably consider it.

My reply: Yes, of course – dealers will try to charge what they think the market will bear! You can absolutely – or at least, usually – save some money by haggling with a dealer in an area not as high-rent. This is easy to do wit the Internet – via email. You can test drive the car you are interested in locally… but you don’t have to buy it there, if the price isn’t right!

Here’s my recommend: Email several dealers and explain that you are seriously interested in (then specify make/model/color/options) and ask them for their best “out the door” price. Some will give it; others won’t. Work with those who do. Haggle the price down to what’s acceptable – and then make arrangements to pick the car up.

It can be well worth a drive – or even a flight.

Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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