Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!
Missy asks: You’ve written disparagingly about climate change in several of your articles but I’m wondering why you’re not concerned? Do you have kids? Aren’t you worried about the world they will inherit?
My reply: I am very worried about the world they will inherit – which might just be one ruled by authoritarian collectivists who’ve conned the world into accepting a lie in order to justify their power.
Of course the climate (i.e., weather) changes. This fact ought to trouble you. Or rather, the characterizing of climate changing as abnormal ought to trouble you.
There are indeed warmer – and cooler – periods; some of them much warmer or cooler than others. And these are normal cyclical variations – unless you take the position that dinosaurs and (much later) Neanderthals were “changing” the “climate.”
What you’ve been gulled into believing is a fraud. Normal – and in our times, very modest changes in average temperatures (appx. 1 degree) have been hystericized and exaggerated into an imminent (2030) planetary catastrophe. Unless, of course, we – you and I, the peons – accept energy austerity and heavy government controls.
But observe that the government – those who compose it – will not live energy austere lives. Their “footprint” will not be decreased.
This, too, ought to tell you something.
Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!
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Tomorrow is the first day of “summer” and here in Montana I wore my winter coat again this afternoon.
And yesterday in west Texas is was 103……and I tried to stay inside. Of course I had to drive 60 miles to the pharmacy for the b&c and go to two grocery stores just to get some decent lettuce and a half decent purple onion. When I got back in the pickup to come home my old bald head was wet with sweat and so was my shirt….and that was mainly from walking through parking lots. It was 98 at 11:30. Too bad we couldn’t have traded some cold and heat to each other.
42 here this morning; 0.65″ rain last night. Started a fire in the wood stove this morning. It’s supposed to be 57 and more rain today. Buttercup just barely managed to get to town and back yesterday before the road became impassable with the car. The jeep doesn’t have very stout rear springs and the suburban needs a new steering box, plus it’s sort of a monster to drive around town anymore
Of course it can go from this to 100++ in a couple days. Don’t they have straw hats in Texas ???
Cats woke me at 2:30 this morning. I looked at my Weatherunderground app and it was 84…..sob I thought. It was all the way down to 81 by 6:30. I opened the door and the super-humid hot air hit me. I started telling cats to get in or out, the door wasn’t gonna be open long. Only 101 today….for whatever reason. I think because a thunderstorm came up just west of us this afternoon. No rain but some shade for a couple hours during the worst part, 4 to 6. Of course there’s little difference between 6 and 7. Just looked at 8:29 and it’s 89, not too bad considering. There’s more rain to the west but we won’t get any. We don’t really “need” more but you can never get enough in west Tx. We go decades of drought and to be honest, we’ve been in one since 92. We had a wet year in 15, a mofo hot sumbitch last year and lots of rain this year. If it keeps this up for a couple more years, those that haven’t lived here long enough are prone to say “We’re out of the drought”. If they only knew. You can only say you’re out of the drought here once there’s several wet years behind you and the ground water comes up(some)and bodies of water have been full or close to it long enough to bring back good fishing. Probably, back when glaciers leveled it off here and made our “mesas” there wasn’t a drought. Once by, i’d bet it was plenty dry. But it’s been raining a good bit. I ain’t complainin cept for the skeeters. I had on a white shirt one day and noticed something lit on my shoulder cause it was big and stood out. it was a skeeter. I was telling my boss about it and he interrupted me and said “You saw a vulture and it was getting fucked by a skeeter”. It was pretty funny and better than my story.. You take humor where you can find it.
Ignorance of the change of the planet is replete and Missy typifies that ignorance. Why do American natives look Asian? Because they are…way back. They must have been pretty smart to sail to a new world. No, they probably had no idea of a “sail” or possible not even a craft that would float. They walked, one foot in front of the other when sea levels were hugely different because glaciers hadn’t melted sufficiently. Not that long ago, most of Canada was covered by a glacier.
Oh, oh, d’oh, they didn’t teach that in school? What did they teach? If Johnny had an orange and an apple and he gave Missy an apple, how many oranges would Johnny have?
Columbus sailed the ocean blue in fourteen hundred and ninety two….blah blah blah blah. And now there’s not even colleges to teach any real history, geology, and god forbid, more than simple math. We now have entire state universities who graduate NO engineers. If only Suzy Wong would go to S.Carolina State they would at least get one out in 4 or 3 years. If Suzy was made to attend Old Miss. state, she’d probably commit suicide.
Here’s an interesting piece about the HYPOCRISY of some of climate change’s biggest advocates:
Oh, and to your reader, there are NATURAL INFLUENCERS that can change the climate too. One is sun spots; the number of sun spots determines what our air temp is. Another would be erupting, undersea volcanoes, which can raise the ocean temperature. Since the ocean covers 2/3 of the planet surface, if it warms us, might it not affect our climate? A third would be a big volcanic eruption, a la Pinatubo in the Phillipines. That one eruption dumped HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of tons of ash into the atmosphere! Think that won’t influence the climate? A major volcanic eruption (Mount Tambora in 1815) was responsible for the year we had no summer, BTW. Oh, and did you know that there are active volcanoes as we speak? There are three in our hemisphere as we speak, and you can find them here:; they’re dumping gases and ash into the atmosphere now. I could go on, but you get my point…
Is that to say that man has no impact on climate change? No, but man’s impact vs. the impact of aforementioned natural influences on climate has not been established. How can natural influences be ignored? Volcanic eruptions have changed climate; Exhibit A is the aforementioned Mt. Tambora eruption of 1815. What can man possibly do against Mother Nature?
The first step of the scientific method is to DEFINE THE PROBLEM. What is it? What is it not? How, where, when, and under what circumstances does it manifest itself? If this critical first step is screwed up, everything that follows will be screwed up too, because this first step lays the foundation for everything to follow. I submit we don’t understand climate change adequately-certainly not enough to figure out any responses to it. At this point, since we don’t know much, any response would likely be wrong, at best; at worst, it’ll totally upend our lives unnecessarily.
Speaking of sunspots, late last year before last we had the biggest mofo in recorded history.
As some old Texans would tell you “I guarangoddamntee you’ we’ve seen every kind of weather in west Texas in my lifetime you could imagine. 1950-1957, we had no real rains, just bigass storms that would level whatever they went over. In 1953 there were 114 killed and over 600 injured in a tornado that went through Waco, Texas. That same year spawned 33 tornadoes from Minnesota to Texas. Probably the largest atomic bomb test above ground in Nevada in 1951 didn’t do anything to the weather. Minnesota was right in the middle of the fallout. That really bad mofo wasn’t enough for the military since they had unwitting and involuntary military and civilians to test another 927 more above ground blasts in Nevada. Then in the latter 50’s fighter planes we’d never seen before gave us kids a thrill for months one year. 20 some odd years later we’d find out the military was spraying us with influenza strains to see how well we could take it.
Surely those atomic tests didn’t affect the weather. Not to mention the plethora of above ground testing the USSR did and for longer than the US. They had millions of “test subjects” too. It’s just damned hard to outrun an atomic blast. Rich people just flew to southern Europe or south America.
Hell, I was 8 years old before I saw a regular rain storm. Us kids thought everybody in the world had to duck and run for cover when the bad cloud appeared. It was just regular to have puddles full of fish and other aquatic life. At least we got our turtles, frogs and fish bowls filled for free. No need to go to the five and dime, esp. when the nearest one to us was handily wiped off the map in about 20 seconds.
I just wonder what kids and adults both would think about going through winters where the dirt is so thick it’s dark like night in the middle of the day and cars were regularly sandblasted. Some said “It was so dark the street lights stayed on in the daytime”. I guess it was true. I didn’t know anyplace where there were street lights. Milky windshields were the automotive glass du jour of west Texas. It was just a replay of the dust bowl of the 20’s. We hung wet sheets over the doors and windows to cut down on the dirt and swamp coolers probably saved countless lives. You put a sheet over the kitchen table so it was easy to clean off the dust for a meal.
One thing we all remember from our childhood would be the sound of moaning wind. We had pretty good weather-stripping on doors and windows too, copper sheet, but it made all sorts of weird sounds. It was a good time, sitting in the dark at noon, and having the older kids tell scary stories while the wind moaned and stuff came loose outside. People lost all sorts of things such as porches and roofs. I recall a farmer from one county telling a farmer from my county he thought he’d found his barn roof in one of his pastures. He identified it by a brand on a board which was common back then when you worked cattle close to the barn or just wanted to try out a new branding iron. In 1958 we found out there really was a reason for ravines and such to have names like Cottonwood Creek or the Clearfork of the Brazos river. Living right outside a small town we realized we had lived all our lives on the edge of a creek as it washed away the roads(dirt) through parts of town. We didn’t have no stinkin asphalt back then. We didn’t have much of anything back then.
My favorite spot was the barbershop where veterans populated and told tales, often about the big one or the one to end all wars or the dustbowl they’d lived through 30 years earlier. It was one of the few places of honesty where you didn’t have to look around to see if there was a woman since women didn’t go into the barbershop. When my dad and I walked into the barbershop it was another world and it was fun. I learned to read very early so I would peruse the stacks of Soldier of Fortune and wonder why all those Negroes in S. Africa were always fighting and there were always British soldiers on one side or the other. I could never make sense of it. Probably nobody else could either. I would later learn that Britain used it’s young men to hold on to the “empire” they’d once had. Fuzzy Wuzzy was no bear but Fuzzy was the only one to “break the square”.
Don’t know how I got on this subject. Oh, history, that stuff so few know now. We did learn that Yankees were our enemies as were Mexicans.