Reader Question: Mercedes Sprinter Diesel Dinosaur?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply! 

Ricky asks: I’m saving to buy a Mercedes Benz Sprinter 4×4 diesel. I plan to convert it into a mini RV, for my retirement. My question, what is your opinion on the future of diesel engines? Are they going to be phased out and disappear like the dinosaurs?

My reply: They already have been – for the most part – in passenger cars. In the United States.

You can still find them in trucks, though – and truck-based vehicles like the Sprinter – and I expect they will not be phased out in that class of vehicle for some time to come because of the unique performance characteristics of diesel engines, which buyers of those types of vehicles not only esteem but in some case require. Their pulling power and durability, for instance.

That said, Uncle and his fatwas – hey, this could be a band name! – are systematically trying to force diesels off the market via regulatory compliance costs. Five years from now, it may be hard to find a diesel-powered anything.

Hopefully, though, you’ll have bought your Sprinter by then – and should be good to go for at least the next 15-20 years.

Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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