Reader Question: Classic Insurance Recommendations?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Gary asks: I have a 1992  Miata and a 2000 Jaguar S model. They are insured with American Collectors; they are very lenient, I can drive the cars 2,500 miles a year and some for pleasure use, (out to eat) etc. and they only have to be 15 years old, and not a real expensive car. I paid 3k for the Jag and about that for the Miata, the agreed value is 6k on both cars although they aren’t worth that. I am retired and can use them as second cars; they run about twelve dollars each a month for full coverage. You might want to check American collectors out. I have been with them for 14 years.

My reply: It’s hard to believe the early-mid ’90s are almost 30 years in the rearview! Some of the first cars I reviewed – as new cars – are now classic cars. Including one I wish I had bought – the ’95 Mustang Cobra R I spent one of the best weeks of my then-young life in, including a Banzai! run from DC to NYC at 2 in the morning to see a girl I used to know… .

But back to business!

These cars are now, indeed, old enough to be eligible for classic coverage and – as I wrote in my article – it’s a better deal for better coverage. I’m familiar with American Collectors, too. In fact, I do business with them – and not at gunpoint (unlike the Progressive/Geico, et al mafia). They cover my ’76 Trans-Am. I have been very happy with the company and the coverage, which is a very reasonably priced agreed value policy. I am happy to give them a plug. See here.

And, thanks for the kind words!

Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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