Reader Question: Nissan Rogue & Lido?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Kerry asks: I’m looking at 2016 Rogue SV, 25k miles, one “fleet” owner, loaded for $20k. Read your 2015 Rogue review/history and via web search have seen some pretty scary stories about repair issues, Nissan Corp’s failure to address them and unresponsive dealerships. Have you heard any updated info regarding these problems? We may pull the trigger tomorrow; I have a seven day return policy at CarMax.

Thanks for the Iacocca news; what a leader! Loved that he was an Industrial Engineer, some of my best friends are/were IE’s! In some small way I was involved in the IE/re-Engineering efforts from 1980-2010. BTW, our family has a long history w/ Mopar/Chrysler/Dodge/Plymouth, our great uncles had the dealership in my TN hometown for over half a century; grandfather ran the used car biz for them and would usually drive a car off the used lot home. He would allow the grandsons to drive these loaners on his small farm’s tractor roads while lunching. We started driving at about 12 years old. I’m still surprised none of us followed Richard petty into racing……Thanks for all you do in auto and Libertarian areas!

My reply: Nissan has had issues with CVTs (so have others) so it’s something to be aware of – and cautious about. That said, I have personally owned several Nissans – including my ’02 Frontier pick-up – and have had no reason to complain about them as far as reliability or durability. The one thing I will complain about is the obnoxious appetite of my truck, which gets about the same MPGs as a full-size truck with a V8 – low 20s, on average – even though it is a compact truck with a small four cylinder engine and a manual transmission.

Back to your Rogue: I would try to haggle them into including an extended warranty on the powertrain. This will give you peace of mind – as well as firewall you from an expensive transmission replacement, in the event that becomes necessary over say the next two or three years.

The rest of the Rogue should be fine. Assuming it wasn’t abused by its prior owner, of course.

Thanks for the kind words in re Lido and everything else!

Got a question about cars – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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