AGW Uses Badge to Get “Dates”


Here’s a lovely news story about an armed government worker named Chancellor Searcy who would pull women over – that is, use the threat of murderous violence implied by his badge and the obligation to obey it – and then demand not their papers but their phone numbers.

He’d threaten them with jail, the impoundment of their car if they didn’t hand it over. How romantic. Once he got their numbers, this sick SOB would call them over and over and over.

This serial predator has, however, only been charged with “misconduct.” And he is still “serving” as an AGW… and being paid – with money mulcted from Detroit taxpayers.

This AGW was previously charged with other crimes, too – including embezzlement, larceny and filing false reports.

A real “hero” to worship….

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  1. Former hero still managing to dodge justice after three years. His trial date has STILL NOT BEEN SET (after three years!!!). The victim: his own infant son who is now permanently disabled. Not only is he not behind bars, he was allowed to move to Florida (from Indiana) and only pays $100 a week in child support.


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