Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show (KMED, Oregon) 7/23/19


Here’s the audio of my appearance earlier today on Bill Meyer’s show – KMED in Oregon. We talked about Elon’s latest broken promise, the 2020 Charger and other good and not so good things!



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  1. I just remembered back in the 90’s when this guy I knew who was a thive’s thief. He had a stolen 4 cylinder diesel oil field generator that produced a shitload of 480V 3 phase electricity. I made the statement one day you could make an electric pickup, fill the bed with big rig batteries, do some rewiring to 12 volt and have a badass pickup…..puling a diesel generator. The batteries in the bed would negate the aspect of having a bed but you could mount a big diesel nurse tank in it and supply the trailer mounted generator. I recall having quite a laugh about it. It’s one of those ideas that given enough booze and pot, grows on pure outrageousness. You could be green…with that pickup, have a really badass ride, acceleration like you never saw and install speed rated tires on the generator trailer. The generator had it’s own cooling system so you could use the underhood room for whatever you liked. At highway speeds you’d have plenty power to run grow lights and have a grow room “engine bay”. We cackled and laughed. We never even considered some day some idiot would think this was a good idea.

    But seriously, what is an EV except a battery powered vehicle that produces it’s emissions remotely? I’d like to so AOC and all the rest sitting in Congress with no a/c nor heat. I suspect many ideas wouldn’t be thought of when sweat is pouring over you down there in the DC swamp.

    They’d need very sophisticated screens to avoid the plague of skeeters. It wouldn’t bother Ilhan Omar at all. Once she shed her panties I suspect “proceedings” for the day would be over quickly.

    I wouldn’t want to be there but would love a video. I’ve smelled many bad things in my life but I don’t seek them out. Those panties that have to be peeled off are one of those things I’ve always avoided. Why is it it’s always those women who desire oral sex? Sure babe, lemme fire up the high pressure steamer and we’ll see……got a few gallons of diesel in your back pocket?


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