My Kind of AGW Mobile


Here’s some good news for a change:

Armed government workers are apparently being Hut! Hut! Hutted! . . . by their own vehicles. Which vehicles you and I are forced to pay for – and which are used to make us pay more – in the form of pay-up-or-else extortion notes (these are called “tickets”) for not having caused any harm to anyone.

And costing us our freedom in the process.

Maybe the cars have had enough.

Well, the SUVs:

Washington state troopers filed a lawsuit seeking class-action status last week alleging Ford Police Interceptor Utilities based on the Ford Explorer design exposed officers to noxious gases, causing sickness and physiological injury.

The suit, filed Aug. 7 in Superior Court of Washington’s Clark County, blames a defective exhaust, ventilation and heating or air conditioning system in 2014-17 Explorers allowing exhaust odor and gases including carbon monoxide “to enter the passenger compartment of vehicles while in use.”

The six plaintiffs claimed they suffered headaches, nausea, foggy thinking or flu-like symptoms from driving the vehicles and one “suffered permanent neurological damage which has prevented him from continuing his job as a Washington state patrol trooper.”

In a statement, Ford said some Police Interceptor Utility vehicles were found to have “unsealed holes from the installation of police equipment by third parties after the vehicle was purchased.”

The lawsuit was reported by the Detroit Free Press.

. . .

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  1. Ford may be correct but recall the big shitty that shut their fleets in cop cars down a couple years back. I never saw anything that was completely resolved about those issues. Seems like it first came up in Dallas and then some other large Texas cities joined in and they quit using the vehicles. No telling what that cost the taxpayer.

    I’m not saying whose fault it is. It may be something like the old Wagoneers…and even those shitty little Dodge cars that were made but for years, Wagoneers leaked really fine dust going up and down dirt roads. I really like the Wagoneer till I spent some time on dirt roads. I’d be choking cause it trips my asthma. That’s the only thing I know, really fine particles of anything, such as smoke, that gets me sick. It would seem, at least on the Wagoneers, they had a seam problem. I’ve looked one over and couldn’t find anything I could identify as holes, but it came from the very rear, maybe around the endgate gasket. The Ford could be doing the same thing.

    Most companies that install all the cop crap using put a silicone sealant where they have gone through the body or rubber seals. It’ll be interesting to see how this turns out.


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