California Risin’


The South will probably not rise again – but California might, for the same reasons. And if it does, maybe the right thing to do, this time, would be to let it go in peace.

Provided, of course, that California returns the favor.

On Wednesday, the state got some of the same medicine Abraham Africanus I administered to the South almost 160 years ago. This time, it was the Orange Man administering the corrective.

The state had issued a regulation on its own authority which would have required all new cars sold in CA to average almost 50 miles-per-gallon by 2025. This was done as a kind of here’s-mud-in-your eye maneuver to register the state’s irritation that a federal regulation which would have decreed the same thing nationally is in the process of being dismantled by the Orange Man – who has already rescinded an attending federal regulation that would have tripled the fines imposed on cars sold nationally that failed to average close to 50 MPG.

California – like the 11 states of the Confederacy – asserted its putative right to govern itself, a nice-sounding idea we’re all taught to give lip service to in school (like “freedom”) but which is among the most obvious frauds there is, short of Pat Robertson and Ernest Angley.

Orange Man just gave CA a cold lesson about who really runs Bartertown.

The Trumpian argument is the same argument that Abraham Africanus purveyed – that of federal supremacy, period. The states are free  . . . to do as they are told. That principle having been established by the spilt blood of half a million Americans on both sides of the Mason Dixon line almost 160 years ago.

The war upon the South has of course been enrobed in faux nobility – that it was a crusade to free the slaves. In fact, slavery was the convenient pretext needed by AA the First to make his point about who runs Bartertown.

Slavery was beside the point – as AA the First was the first to admit. The heterodox but historically accurate Thomas DiLorenzo has written in his several books on the subject; the Great Emancipator promised the Southern states he would support a constitutional amendment legalizing slavery where it existed (i.e., in the South) in perpetuity provided the Southern states would remain in the union.

Bend knee, and all will be well.

It’s a delicious irony of history that a state as progressive as California – which loves the federal cudgel when it aligns with its interests – is now the beneficiary of the same treatment it surely felt the South more than deserved.

This is what happens when principles are established. They tend to become precedents. Power acquired is rarely power ceded.

Not voluntarily.

California’s position is without question batty. A requirement that cars sold in the state average 50 MPG just five years from now is an almost a technical impossibility and a certain economic catastrophe. It will mean punishing fines applied to cars that aren’t hybrids or electric cars – which are the only cars technically capable of complying with this mandate.

Vehicles that don’t average 50 MPG can still be sold in CA; but the companies which sell them will be fined heavily for every MPG they fall short.

But only in CA.

They would still be free to sell cars that don’t average 50 MPG in other states – courtesy of the Orange Man. Who is the only head of the federal government in memory trying to lessen the regulatory burden on the country.

But CA ought to be free to burden itself.

Also, the car industry is under no obligation to sell cars in CA. It could tell CA that it won’t be selling them there because it no longer makes sense for them to do so – and let the people of California decide how much they like that. Let them come face to face with the real-consequences of CA’s moonbatty regulatory regime.

It might be just the thing.

Imagine the effect on Californians of seeing the vehicles they want to buy available for sale . . . across the state line. For thousands less than the cars they’re allowed to buy in their state.

The car companies would of course lose all those sales in California – which is a huge market. Which explains why several of them (Ford, Honda, VW and Mercedes) want the California standard to remain in force, because then they could force the whole country to buy cars built to meet California’s standard and claim they had no choice.

Of course, neither would we.

The dangerous thing here is that Trump is advancing a temporary benefit with a delayed action fuse. By curb-stomping California’s authority to issue its own mandatory minimum mileage standards for vehicles sold within its boundaries (which standards are being couched in terms of “emissions” – of carbon dioxide – to guilt-trip acceptance of something that would otherwise not market well, like a government mandate to eat broccoli – and fines for eating steak ) the Orange Man is asserting the primacy of the federal apparat.

Asserting its unlimited power – cue not so much Abraham Africanus as Emperor Palpatine. That this power is being dialed back some by the Orange Man is a temporary boon at best.What happens when the Orange Man changes his mind?

Or when the Orange Man is changed out?

Just as it might have been better – for the long-term prospects of freedom – had the South succeeded in going its own way, so also it might be best if California were left in peace to do what it thinks best for California.

No matter how moonbatty.

Just leave the rest of us out of it.

Decentralization of power always being a good thing for freedom.

The people of California have just as much right to govern themselves as the rest of us have to not be governed by them.

Trump, meanwhile, could have done much better. He could have rescinded all of these obnoxious federal fatwas. Gotten the government out of the car business.

The irony is that if that were to happen, odds are there’d be cars that delivered better than 50 MPG and cost half as much as any current hybrid by 2025. They would not have eight air bags, of course. And they’d be less able to take a rear-ender from a Kenworth. But they’d be great on gas, easy on the wallet and not hard on the environment.

California might even want a few.

. . .

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  1. Eric, when you released this article I purchased The Real Lincoln on Audiobook. I’d read comments here about how the south was subjugated by the north and how Lincoln was a tyrant. I believed you all, but I didn’t really understand it.

    I just got done with it. What a great book. I now have a much better understanding of the subject. It was without a doubt a war of northern aggression against sovereign states wishing to invoke their right to secede. Secession was the check on federal power. Lincoln and the other federal tyrants fought a war and killed millions to ensure the permanent enslavement of us all to the federal government. And perhaps ensuring there would be no free place on Earth. And of course the millions who fought and died in the south were the best of us, those willing to die for a chance at preserving the spirit of what America was and is supposed to be.

    Lincoln violated the bill of rights and constitution to secure this supremacy, just like any other dictator. He didn’t give a shit about blacks or slavery. He was just another socialist pillaging the wealth and productivity of the unrepresented political losers. For cronyism and involvement in foreign affairs. It all makes much more sense now. That war was truly the turning point for the federal domination, and all its tyranny and theft, we live under today.

    And the worship of Lincoln. The great emancipator. Jesus. You’d be jailed for decades if you touched the Lincoln memorial, but tearing down Lee’s statues are encouraged. The victor tells us it was a war about freeing slaves. We were taught that the good guys won the war. And I believed that shit for most of my life. Then I figure out more and more over time that reality is generally the exact opposite of what I was told. I’ve mentioned before, it’s startling what a complete mindless drone I would be without the internet, believing everything I was told by those evil or stupid. I hate to think of what other major lies I currently believe as truth.

    So thanks for bringing me a little bit closer to reality.

    • Hey Brandon!


      The lies they would have us believe about Lincoln are similar to what they told us about Jesse James. They paint James as a common criminal; a notorious “bank robber”- but his real story is actually one of seeking some justice for what the cruel North had done to his family and his country. James was a hero, who waged war on the real criminals, personally!

      Here is part 1 of 3 of the story, told by this preacher from Georgia- I think you’ll be really surprised and delighted by the information presented- and really get a good understanding of the realities of the war on a personal basis (as opposed to a military/group narrative). I know, listening to the whole thing really gave me not only a new perspective on Jesse James, but about the realities of the war in general.

      John Weaver: The Life & Times Of Jesse James Pt. 1

    • Brandon sl glad you read that book. I’ve not read THAT one yet, but I’ve read more than enough on the subject to realise we’ve all been sold a crock of lies most of our lives. What started me down that path was an opportunity to view the Director’s Cut of the film Gods and Generals.. the three plus hour version, on the big screen. Amaizing stuff, that. Realising Lee’s principled stand is what drove him to tell Lincoln to get lost, he’d not serve in HIS war, then turned and went with his home STATE, Virginia, becomeing first the General in command of the Army of Virginia, then of the entire confederacy. Next up was Dabney’s book on General Thomas W Stonewall Jackson, largely the basis for the film. This was written by a contemporary of Lee and Jackson, and knew them both well. Eys opening, for sure. Dabney’s writings get into the then-current dialogue of the issues of the time, and in some cases, the long history leading UP to the false flag operation at Fort SUmpter, who did what when and why regarding that “incident”, and WJHY the North had seized that rock in the harbour in the first place…. very little is ever said any more about the strong blockade that had nearly strangled the South, done over the illegal tariffs the North were foisitng upon the South.

      For quite a few years now, whenever someone gets on a whinge about “how far we’ve gone astray from the founders’ work” and “how could this have happened”, the South’s alledged refusal to give up chattel slavery is always trotted out as the “reason” we HAD to go to war. No, “honest Abe” was far more like George Three, the Kid King who preferred war to subjugate the Colonials to upholding and ruling per the terms of the Charters he, or one of his variosu predecessors, had granted the independent groups who sailed to the West to begin a new life in a new land, free from the tyranny they’d endured for so long in Merrie Auld…… the “long train of abuses” had been steadily growing in number and outrage for more than a century and a half when Gage decided to “disarm” the men of Lesgington and Concord. Under direct orders from George, mind you.
      So many of these modern day whingers will cite things like the income tax and establishing of the Fed, back in 1913, or maybe direct popular vote of senators. Maybe the first egregious abuse of the Interstate Commerce Clause with the wretche Filburn “decision” back in 1934 or so… or the draft… I will usually sggest the situation leading directly to our present condition arose under the reign of the former corporate railroad lawyer masquerading as President…… and HIS wholesale abandonment of the Constitution as he pressed an illegal and very destructive war based on a lie.

      • Hi T!

        A theme of mine is cognitive dissonance. A good example being on the one hand, kids are taught how brave and honorable and just the American colonies were to secede from Britain. That word is not used, of course – but it is the right word. There was no “revolution,” just as there was no “civil” war 80 something years later. The colonists had no designs to take over parliament and control Britain; they merely wished to be free from the control of parliament and Britain. Just the same as the Southern states 80-something years later, who weren’t looking to take over the country. They simply wanted their country.

        Both were secessionist movements – but only one is considered legitimate by state histories and hagiographies, for all the obvious reasons.

        Correcting this is both important – and easy, if a person has an open mind. Lincoln speaks for himself. His desire – repeatedly stated – was to “save the Union” (i.e., the authority of the federal government over all the states) not to “free the slaves.”

        The Southern states made many strategic and tactical mistakes. They failed to articulate the reasons for their separation and then they failed to assume a defensive posture and (if it came to it) compel the Shock Armies of Lincoln to invade and thereby assume the psychological role of invaders – and then fight a hit-and-run war of attrition; bleed the bastards to death. Such a war would have been grossly unpopular with the majority of people in the Northern states and support for it would have evaporated within two years or so, probably – and the Southern states would have achieved their independence.

        The Lost Cause is a tragedy in need of a Shakespeare.

        • Hi Eric Nathan Bedford Forrest did exactly that and was very successful. Lee later regretted Forrest’s talents and tactics werent put to more widespread use. Lee also regretted surrendering after he saw what a monster had been created. Lee was a good conventional general but unconventional tactics were necessary.

        • Neither side was truly prepared for war, not unlike Nazi Germany some 80 years later, the Confederacy had the advantage of far better leadership, as the overwhelming majority of US Army officers and West Pointers came from the Southern aristocracy, with most of them, like Lee, feeling that their allegiance to their respective states overrode their commissions in the US Army. Neither side likely expected the war to last as long as it did. Even in mid-1864, with the Confederate capital of Richmond nearly surrounded by the Army of the Potomac, some setbacks (e.g., Battle of the “Crater”) to its quick capture caused General Grant to proclaim that he’d fight it out on the seige lines, if it took all summer. By finally taking Petersburg on April 1, 1865, which was the Army of Northern Virginia’s lifeline, Richmond finally fell three days later…some six months after Grant had predicted victory.

          If anything, Lee had to conduct his offensives into Maryland in 1862 (Battle of Sharpsburg, or “Antietam Creek” as those “damned Yankees” call it) or Gettysburg (1863), in order to win a decisive victory that would break the US public will to continue the fight. The Union had overwhelming advantages in manpower, materials, and logistics, so the only hope that the Confederacy had in fighting a defensive war of attrition was if public sentiment in the Union turned against continuing the fight. The trouble was, thanks in no small part to being able to gather enough “cannon fodder” in the form of recently freed Negro slaves and immigrants, the majority of them Irish, the Union could cajole enough men to fight. It’s forgotten that the draft riots of 1863 didn’t come about due to anti-war sentiment, but that the US Army wouldn’t pay out the enlistment bonuses that earlier had been offered. Indeed, many young men were eager, at least at first, to enlist, if for no other reason that to escape the dreariness of the tenements or the farm.

          The technology of the “Civil” War might have been of the nineteenth century, but things that happened in its prosecution would be familiar to those that lived in the following century: suppression of the free press and political dissent, conscription, an initial enthusiasm with the expectation that the conflict would be short-lived and fairly bloodless, total mobilization of the economy for war production, wide-scale confiscation and destruction of private property, concentration camps, abuse of POWs, and outright battlefield atrocities (“take the white men prisoners, shoot the niggers!”).

    • Hi Brandon!

      I am a big fan of the first Matrix movie because it was exceptionally subversive of the Order of Things – by portraying them as they really are. We are all asleep – inside the Matrix. Or at least, we all start that way until by some lucky happenstance, such as coming across a heretical book or pondering a heretical thought we begin to see the Matrix… and once we do see it, we are never quite the same again.

      You have just seen it – and will never be the same.

      • My fave of predicting the near future which has become unnervingly accurate is the 1993 Stallone flick “Demolition Man”. The “bad guy”, Simon Phoenix, in some ways, is kinda a HERO…and so is Dennis Leary’s character, fresh from being proud of being an “asshole” (and driving a “tank with chrome and hubcaps”, aka an 1973 Cadillac El Dorado). You’d think that the society that borrows the “carousel” from “Logan’s Run” wouldn’t forbid “procreation” in the time-honored manner with a then 28 y.o. Sandra Bullock (“Boning, the Wild Mambo, the Hunka-Chunka”)….Mr. Cocteau was indeed an “asshole”!

        I sure as hell wouldn’t want to end up a 47 y.o. virgin singing “I’m an Oscar Mayer Weiner” in his bathrobe while sucking on a broccoli-banana protein shake. I’ll go for the chicken-fried steak with the gravy fries smothered in buckets of cheese anytime. I might pass on running buck nekkid through the streets smothered in Green Jello…not even in downtown SLC, capital of the state deemed the center of the “Jello Belt”.

    • Hi Brandon you read a fantastic book. All of DiLorenzo’s stuff is great. I would suggest looking at WW2 next. The ‘good war’ that permanently fucked the world Start with ‘Eisenhower death camps’. And the assassination of Patton. You’ll have to scroll past the usual wikipedia lies. If you have time for a read: The Morgenthau plan – still going on today The Kalergi plan. Still going on today. is a fantastic site if you havent checked it out yet. Psst – Flinders dont read this stuff. You might actually learn something.

      • Psst – Marky, nothing to learn there regarding your delusions but the usual lies and distortions from the usual suspects.

        Then again… I’ve noticed a sinister pattern of behavior from Jews lately. It started on – a Jew, actually an ISRAELI (shudder) posing as a classic car enthusiast, posting several articles such as this latest, though it has been going on for some time now:

        Then I noticed in “Hemmings Classic Car” magazine (issue #181) another ISRAELI, writing an article purporting to be reminiscences about a 1960 Falcon and being reunited with it. This cannot be a mere coincidence.

        Why would Jews be infiltrating the old car hobby? What are they up to? Hmmm… Using your typical quality of evidence, reasoning, and deduction we can see something is clearly amiss here – we know from aryan-supplied “facts” and “research” that Jews are a sinister race of effete merchants and treacherous political conspirators who would never, ever be seen in or get their hands dirty on something like an old vehicle. After all, that kind of thing is for the goyim! So what is really going on? Why the charade? Good aryans like Mark here know that one has to make shit u…, I mean “read between the lines”, to figure out what is REALLY going on.

        What emerges is disquieting in the extreme. The Jews know that White Christians are very fond of old cars. Adopting Mark’s reasoning power we can see clearly that what Jews are planning to do is lock White Christians into old cars, then drag them off to Jewish-controlled wrecking yards to crush them with the Whites inside as part of their program to destroy White nations!! (The blood runoff can be used to make the dreaded Jew matzohs for their satanic Passover blood-fest.) There can be no other logical explanation, and there can be no doubt that Israel has been secretly buying up junkyards in White countries for this very purpose. Anyone who does not understand this is either blind to what is staring him or her right in the face, a Jew, or a Shabbos Goy.

        So there we have it – using the methods of Marky and his sources and peers we have cracked the code! Aryan-style reasoning, logic, and standards of evidence are a marvelous thing. The same methods and standards can be used to reveal many conspiracies of the Jews, as Marky and others have done on this site and elsewhere.

        So if you see swarthy-looking, bignosed guys wearing skullcaps at the next car show you attend – beware!!!

          • Come on now, Marky. I’ve exposed a major plot by the Jews against White Christians using facts, evidence, sources, and reasoning at least as credible as anything you have come up offered here to back up your own claims. I’d think you would be pleased.

        • Of what…that the dirty “J-O-O-s” are BID RIGGING? If that what these “evil, scheming hebes” want to spend their time and efforts on, somehow, I think we don’t have anything to worry about.

          • I think they’re getting into the old cars because those are the ones that had ashtrays- They’re gonna scrape out the residue of the ashes and try and clone their ancestors. Here’s where old VW’s go up to $100K!

              • I’m surprised that Jon Lovitz, when driving what was purported to be Der Fuhrer’s ride in the 2003 “Rat Race”, didn’t check the ashtray!

                Actually, I thought that only VWs sold to North American (or later made in Puebla, Mexico) have the ashtrays. Same as why even the most expensive Kraut rides don’t have cup holders (at least their ‘domestic’ versions, of course a ‘Murican MB ride would have them)…the “Goimans” have this thing about not being distracted when you drive, the pendantic SOBs.

    • Hello everyone, thank you for the comments and additional material. Pretty soon I’ll be courageous enough to mount confederate flags and get a confederate front license plate. Maybe.

      • Today a person could make a license plate that looks real. The way governments have cheapened plates and the rise of affordable ways to make things by prototype companies and at home meets in the middle to make a realistic license plate. You could make a plate that appears to have been issued by the confederate states of america.

        Or a fictional country. Say Zamunda. If it looked real the cops would assume it was real. I had neighbors and coworkers that kept their cars registered or even expired registration in Canada. They drove around without being hassled.

        • I have a friend who has a decorative Confederate flag plate on the front of his car. It goes along with the model name: Rebel.

          Given the level of automated enforcement these days for domestic tags if you were going to fake an actual plate it would have be something from another country, or maybe diplomatic plates.

        • Uhh…the cops don’t even have to enter the plates to check for current registration. They have cameras with optical character readers and software to run the plates as they drive. IDK if the database can check Canadian plates, though, especially in Detroit (next to Windsor) that might be a workable scam.

          • If ya get pulled over with the ersatz Canadian plate, just pretend not to understand the cop; he’ll have to either wait for ’em to find a Canadian-to-English translator, or let ya go! (Works great where there are a lot of Polish cops)

            • Crazy guy I knew years ago had a Barracuda, fastback (Dutch Oven model) fitted with 343 and tri power. I put a mid range cam in it for him… He told of a fun incident he had (though very scary at the time) on the Bayshore Freeway around MOffett Field, Palo Alto area.

              He had been born in France, his Dad was an Ambassador to that contry, thus he had dual citizenship both US and French passport, the latter being that of a Diplomat. Also had nis French driving license, also labelling him as a “Diplomat”.

              Flying up the Bayshore one fine afternoon he got red-lighted by a CHP, back when they used the big Plymouth FUry with 427 Hemi and dial quads No outrunning that guy, there, then. He pulled over, the ossifer came to the window and began addressing him in his California engilsh. He responded in perfect Parisian french. Played dumb. Cop tried again, he doubled down. Cop made mantomime for his “papahs Pleese”, he played dum, then got the “flash of recognitio” got out his wallet, handed him the aforementionied documents. Cop looked at them, disappeared to jis car, got on radio…. waiting.. waiting.. came back, handed back the docs, reached into the window and placed his finger on the nice wide speedometer panel and pointed to where 55 was…. My friend played asotnished, pointed HIS finger at the number 100 (about the speed he had been making), then to the oh so handy “US Highway 101” sign just ahead of the car where it had stopped,, then back to the speedo, asking in flawless french if that were not the posted speed limit. Cop shook his nead Negative, and back to the 55 number. Friend lit up his face, pointed to the same place face expressing question, cop nodded yes. Ah, j’apprends, Monsieur, Mercí. Cop took his leave, frined started up eased into traffic and put the needle right smack on the double nickel. WHEW!!! That was CLOSE!!!

              • Over a decade ago Texas went through some sort of well, clusterfuck is the best way to describe it I know of. It was about to change speed limits and so ensued a sign changing thing. There were signs ranging from 60 to 70 and you could never guess what the speed limit might be…..anywhere.

                I went to a fishing tournament with a couple friends and we had a good laugh or two at the ever-changing signs. Some guys didn’t have that same laugh since some of the signs had 5 mph reduction for night and some a 10 mph reduction for trucks.

                Some of these guys got tickets(lots of DPS waiting for traffic to the lake)for 5 over in the dark and this was the really crazy stuff, 10 mph over for trucks, the reason being told to them, they were pulling trailers with a truck(pickup).

                I’m sure this was all kicked out of court and never could figure out why the DPS had bothered when there was no speed limit set for the state at the time with most signs being covered.

                A couple weeks a cousin came out for the holidays from Ca. I asked (since it would change day to day)if he’d seen any PSL signs. He said “Just one that said 180 and I was only going half that.” I’m surprised they didn’t take down the hiway number signs just to double their take.

                So it went to 70….finally, although certain places deemed it to be 65 even though that wasn’t correct but the county can control the PSL… least on interstates.

                We rocked along like that for a while and then one day going to the grocery store I got on the state hiway and here’s signs posted 75mph with no day or night. No telling how many tickets I’d had on all those roads since the change to 55 and now we’re at 75 with the same, exact roads, except worn considerably since it had changed to 55.

                I could swear the road maintenance was terrible all the way through 55 and when it changed to 75, they were still worn out. Cue the 9 most terrifying words you can hear.

                • In 2011, an activist from the National Motorists Association (named Greg Mauz) contacted some representative from Houston to do something about the speed limits. Texas speed limits were 70 day, 65 mph night. For FM roads, the speed limit was 70day/65 night for cars and 60 day/55 night for trucks. The 2011-2012 legislation removed the nighttime limit altogether (something I think was a mistake… there should be flexibility to post 65 or 70 mph night limits on two lanes) and allowed all interstate highways to be posted at 75. There is a special certification process for 80 and 85 mph roads. As it stands only 1 stretch of TX 130 is 85 mph. The rest is 80 mph. Most of the rural non interstate highways are posted at 70 or 75 mph. Most all interstates are 75 with the exception of cities and the 80 mph stretches. Some roads are worn, but I believe can carry 75 mph traffic. I drive the two lanes often throughout the state. Much less stress than I-state highways with 75 mph limits. The interstates are approaching capacity, which I believe is dangerous. Operating speeds are dropping as well. I am thankful I can veer off the interstates and drive uninhibited on a wide two lane with no traffic.

                  • I’m unaware of 70 mph on a Texas Interstate unless it’s in the D/FW metroplex area that drops it to 60 in places.

                    There is law in place that allows counties to set interstate PSL’s. Once on I 20 when you get to Pecos county it goes to 80 mph.

                    That always used to chap my butt a little, well, not that, but the fact the truck I drove as speed limited to 79, the speed I drove on nearly every 75 mph limited road. If I could have just had another 5 mph I would have been satisfied.

                    But seriously, a speed limited truck is a dangerous thing. If you need to reach 90 for a certain situation to NOT be dangerous, you should have the ability to do that.

                    Back in the day when cops went to the house in the wee hours I used to regularly run 85-90 with a GVWR of 41-45 tons. It was long before Smokey and the Bandit but that was about the time it began to get hard to cruise that speed and not be paranoid. It was nice to prune the time to Houston from 9 or more hours down to 7.5. If it hadn’t been for so many small towns, it would have been faster by a good bit.

              • Ha! Good one, Tio! I enjoyed that! Would make a great comedy skit!

                I often wonder- assuming a young cop (and hoping he’s not into classic sit-coms) if a bit of the “language” that Latka Gravis spoke on Taxi wouldn’t work?

                “Ibby-dah!” (Damn! That was a great show.)

                Of course, pigs today have a very limited vocabulary, which mainly seems to consist of “Stop resisting!” and BANG!

        • If you DO make up a “gag” plates from “Zamunda”, be sure to include some of Prince Akeem’s money to bribe the cops with!

        • All of a sudden Texas plates got so cheap the numbers were no long stamped on and then painted, just painted on a flat plate that you could scrub off trying to get the bugs off.

  2. There’s a reason why Cali’s state flag says “California Republic” instead of “State of California” (or something like that).

  3. “California compliant” is the real problem. When manufacturers of anything–including cars–use that standard as their default, then the fools’ golden state rules the other 49.

    I cannot think of any policy that is more inimical to a constitutional republic. Bring back the Articles of Confederation, for heaven’s sake! And do everything possible to incent the fools’ golden state to secede! Then let it sink–unhindered and unaided–under its multiples piles of human waste and toxic syringes that are blessed and incented by its own governmental and corporate policies and neglect.

    To close my tangent: the worst thing Trump could possibly do would be to intervene in the “crisis” involving the latter policies and their effects. In so doing, he would instantly and forevermore own those effects and absolve the policy-makers of any culpability.

    • I fear we’re well beyond reviving the A of C. I also fear we’re approaching a civil war involving more than words and voting.

      Just a return to the early 60’s would be great for an old fart. You had to go well out of your way to commit a crime in Texas back then.

      We had a new $8.2M Law Enforcement Center thrust upon this pore county so everybody is getting gouged for something we didn’t need. It is just another way for the local LEO’s to play like they’re needed. 12 inmates in the jail last week(finally got certified after two years) with two of them being local. Remove the crazy ass DWI laws and drug laws and crime would be virtually non-existent here. I noticed one precinct was down 140 people. That’s a lot for this county.

      • As of 2010 there were 3974 people living in this county. There are many less now and would be even less if the Hispanic population would get a clue and use birth control.

      • To focus on just one or your points: Our best hope in re the BeatOff, uh, Beto-style confiscation scenario is that the typical LEO will simply refuse to beat down our doors in any gun-confiscation pogrom. The exceptions to my hope risk a violent confrontation that will do no one any good.

        • It will mainly be rural vs. urban from what I’ve seen. Art Acevidos, the top cop in Houston who was run out of Austin, will likely be happen to gather his forces and SWAT everyone he can think of. It won’t be as easy for rural places where it’s somebody you have coffee or church with and you call each other by the first name.

  4. I wonder what would happen if the auto manufactures just stopped selling cars in CA. I betca the would fall into line with every other state.

    • C’mon, Walt…we’re talkin’ CA.! The state is on the verge of bankruptcy, despite being the world’s fifth largest economy; they’ve been hemorrhaging residents for many years- replacing working middle and upper-class productive citizens with third-world leeches; their once world-class cities have become filthy dhitholes- literally, with piles of human feces on the sidewalks and whose parks are now tent cities for vast hoards of homeless drug-addicts and psychos…..and yet they just keep on keeping on with the very policies which have turned the once golden state into such a mess.

      They are just hell-bent on practicing their psychotic liberal agendas, at any cost….because they get paid regardless, and their master, Satan, is appeased.

  5. “But CA ought to be free to burden itself.”

    Translation (??): California politicians should be able to dictate to California citizens, whatever absurd rules they can dream up? That’s what you seem to be saying. Yes, I see that you called the requirement “batty”, but you also seem to be saying that no one should be allowed to stop it (except, I suppose, through the process of replacing legislators and bureaucrats).

    I’m all in favor of putting a thumb in the eye of the Federal government when it tries to run our lives, but not at the expense of endorsing state governments when they do the same.

    • This is why I could never buy ‘voting for the [slightly] lesser of two evils”.

      Which tyranny is preferable: The state-imposed variety; or the federally-imposed variety?

      Which bully do you want to take your lunch money and knock your teeth out? Such a choice is no choice at all.

    • True enough.

      When California ratified the US Constitution and became a state in 1859, they endorsed, agreed to, and committed to be bound by, that self-same document, the US Constitution. HOW MANY of rthese insane laws now burdening the People of Califoria (and also, as reality would have it, of the United States as well) are flat contrary too the US, and even their own State Constitutoins?

      Trum would be will within his rights, even consistent wiht his DUTIES to faithfull execute the laws of the United States… in California and elsewhere. Their sancutary cities, open borders policies, gross and dangeorus pollution resuliting form the hordes of homeless they coddle, support, encourage, enable…. read through the Bill of Rights, the first ten Articles of Ammendment to the US Constitution… how many of THOSE rights, which rpedate the Constitution and do not derive their existence from it, are being trashed today in California (not to mention elsewhere).

      Many of the things California are doing lie within the authority of the State. But much is prohibited it by federal Constittution, and tey do it anyway. US law governs entry from foreigh natioins, defines a clear pathway from legal resident alien (immigrant) to citizen, deals with any visas or temporary stay status, and defines much of who does what and how. Trump has always been well within his assigned authority as he’s tried to deal with the entry of foregner issue. California are one of the worst abusers operating against him. He would be well within his lawful authority to withhold funding to the state as one means of pushing their compliance with federal laws and the Constitution. Californiasn have their constituinally protected civil rights violated regularly in ways that would have caused open rebellion a hundred years ago. They are still shocking, but the people of that state seem to have fallen asleep from drinking too deeply of the KoolAde they’ve been proffered.
      So NOCalifonria do NOT have the right to deny their lawful residents their civil rights as defined and protected by the US Constitutoin. That includes, but is not limtied to, their right to arms…. which is consistentl denied them by that state.. Horizontal Harris was one of the worst abusers of that right, and her hand picked protege Becerra the Beast is, hard to imagine, even worse.
      And no, I don’t live there. Was born and raised there, had opportunity to return many times, but have run quickly away from that trap. far too many of that states former denizens have infested my currenst state and our neighbour to the south. We are about as bad off as Clifornia wass 25 years ago, and catching up quickly.

    • At least in the case of the state itself. People can leave and move to another State. It is harder when dealing with the Federal government.

  6. All of this foolishness because of Marxist sanctioned “fake” global warming being caused by man. This has become a multi-trillion dollar boondoggle that has been foisted upon us, the consumer and taxpayer. Governments (politicians) have enslaved the world with the socialist promises of all kinds of goodies, mainly free pensions. Those promises made over decades are coming home to roost. The insanity of Cally is based on the need for money. They need it, you apparently don’t. How bad is it? In Australia, they randomly search vehicles and confiscate any loose change they find in the name of safety. Trump, although he may try, cannot stop the blatant corruption within government…it has gone way too far to be stopped without a down and dirty confrontation similar to the North-South smash up of the 1860’s. This time it might be the middle against the ends.

    • Amen, Tom!

      If I may add: Trump can’t stop the corruption too, because he is just as much a part of it as anyone else (We just hate to admit it, because he plays the part of the protagonist against the loony lefty libruls), and no politician can stop it, because the rot is not just confined to the political theater, but is societal, as witnessed by the millions of people who gladly and voluntarily serve the pols in every way, from volunteering to be mercenaries in their armed forces at home and abroad, to working for their various and sundry unconstitutional agencies and departments…..or vying for entitlements which are funded by the redistributed wealth of their neighbors.

      It’s often a case of “People getting the government they deserve”.

      • Politicians are parasites and have no real redeeming qualities. Most are sociopaths.

        Trump draining the swamp is like a crocodile and an alligator going at it for control. In the end we are still just a resource to feed the swamp creatures in DC.

        Unfortunately we have people in key positions that literally want to start WW3 and many because of misplaced commitment to prophecy.

        Nothing is going to change until these traitorous and seditious people are suspended from a large tree branch using a short rope. Sons of Liberty style.

        • Hi Thomas,

          Sadly, you are probably right. This disease of control freakism is completely out of hand; it afflicts most people as much as almost all politicians (Ron Paul is among the very few not afflicted). One cannot reach these people by appeals to reason – and forget appeals to principle.

          To paraphrase what was said about The Terminator: They cannot be reasoned with or bargained with and will notstop, ever, until they are dead….

          • It’s the reason I want the first nukes to land in DC. If the terror attacks had been done by terrorists, the Capitol and WH would have been first strikes.

            They targeted the places where the $2T could be found Rummy spoke of the day before.

            • Detectives, in trying to find the likeliest suspects for a crime, used to ask themselves “Who stood to gain from this crime?” [I say ‘used to’ ’cause pigs being what they are today, they probably don’t do this anymore, but rather just look for the person on whom it’s easiest to pin the evidence and convict, so it looks good on their record]

              My, my….the only two places where the evidence of a $2T crime existed…both bombed on the same day. How convenient! And what a coincidence! And that it also occurred when the Air Farce was doing maneuvers in the same place, so as not to cause any alarm which might spoil the plan….

              Did some Third-world sand-niggers have anything at all to gain from that? Nope!
              Did ShrubCo, The Dick and Rumsey et al have something to gain? Yep!

              No Columbo’s or Mickey Spillane’s need apply for this one…just put Corky the Retard on the case!

                • Agreed. The likelihood that an inexperienced pilot could fly a 757 at the purported angle of attack and hit the target squarely, and yet not leave huge skid marks on the ground from either the fuselage or one or both of the turbofans is incredulous. More than likely, at some 250-300 knots approach speed (and note that in the surveillance camera footage, the aircraft is NEVER visible, so at the frame rate, if it was an airliner, about 240 knots or so is the slowest it could possible be going and the camera miss it), the aircraft would have either overshot the Pentagon or landed short and either made a huge crater, or have bounced off the ground and hurtled over the building.

    • The formerly United States is well on the path to dissolution. Think it can’t happen? It happened in the old USSR, the most brutally controlled police state in human history, and it blew apart literally overnight. And the hapless Russians had no privately-owned firearms – we have hundreds of millions of them. The feds really have no enforcement apparatus – how can they stop it? Nuke Wyoming or Nebraska?

      • Unfortunately, John, they have the most powerful enforcement agencies ever known to man: Public schools and the Zionist media. The war for people’s hearts and mins has been far more effective than any physical war, and has resulted in a mass case of Stockholm Syndrome.

        The average American loves Big Brother; they will fight and die for it; worship of the state is the American religion. The voting charade ensures that they take it personally, since ‘they elected the government’.

        Interesting too: Ya don’t see much mention of this lately, which probably is a clue that it is spot on: Back in the 80’s and 90’s when I first got into awareness of political conspiracies, the common narrative was that as part of the new alignment for the NWO, the US would be broeken up into ten regions or “superstates”, as opposed to one monolithic federally-controlled nation- thus making it easier to control and giving residents the illusion that they could have some choice as to the particular type of tyranny they’d live under.

        That seems to be precisely where we’re heading, with the charade that is being played out currently before our eyes of radical leftists vs. moderates vs. conservatives vs. Neocons, etc. (Notice, no representation for Libertarians, of course!).

        And sure enough, if you take a quick look, the EPA already has it’s jurisdictions broken down into ten regions, which correspond exactly with the 10 “superstates”….

        People- even many among us don’t realize that what is being played out right now, is the very fulfillment of agendas which were decreed many decades ago- and not somehow a bucking of the system or fight for liberty- but rather, just a finishing off of the old system- which of course seems good- until one realizes that the end goal is just to replace that system with an equally or even more loathsome new system.

        And the overlords are such masters of deception, that they got people who should know better, cheering what they’re doing….

        • “Unfortunately, John, they have the most powerful enforcement agencies ever known to man: Public schools and the Zionist media.”

          You got that right, Nunz! It’s so bad now that kids are skipping school to protest against “climate change”; a natural process that has been ongoing for billions of years. Yet, they’ve been misguided into the belief that we HUMANS are the sole cause of such a phenomenon.

          Then again, they could just be doing it to “play hooky”, but I digress. lol

          • And ya know what kills me, BG?

            NONE of the “believers” have ever apparently thought this “climate crisis” thing through- too wit:

            They want to curtail human activity and even procreation because the CO2 from such “will destroy the environment”.

            Animals emit CO2 too….so they have to go too. So what exactly is the point of “preserving the environment” if the life which that environment supports will no longer be extant?

            I guess they figure that if someone is stupid enough to fall for “climate crisis”, they are also too stupid to think of the ramifications of said agenda……

            It’s a religion of death…for the brain-dead.

  7. As a Southerner, I loved this article. The author is spot on. He is right that the Federal government is now, after 1865, totally supreme, thanks to the 19th century Progressives who provoked the Civil War (with help from Southern hot heads). I don’t especially like it but I am thrilled to see the leftist Progessive jerks in california curb stomped with their own invention. I want Orange Man to give it to them good and hard every chance he gets.

    • Thanks, Charles – and, amen!

      I keep telling my friends here – I’m talkin’ to you, Nunz! – that the Orange Man is useful… in the manner of a bag of crap lit on fire that you leave on your enemy’s porch!

      • Hey Eric!
        O-Kkkkkkk…… How is acting like Dishonest Abe a good thing; even if it’s against CA.? I thought that was the point of your article?

        It may seem like a positive thing when he’s pushing something that we agree with, and because he’s bullying the one (CA.) who is usually the bully- but in reality, this is just more unconstitutionality- and while in this particular case, it may suit our interests, the same tactics can be/are used against us and the freer states in which we live- such as is the case with federal ‘gun control’ laws.

        The enemy of our enemy isn’t necessarily our friend….more often, it’s just a case of two bullies vying for control of the smaller kids. The best outcome is that we end up with a new enemy.

        Funny too, how DJT doesn’t want CA. maintaining a restrictive stance on CAFE [in this one instance], yet he’s fine with them maintaining a more restrictive stance on their residents Second Amendments rights and many other more basic rights….. Which just goes to show, it’s nothing more than a power struggle- and quite frankly, I do believe that as with everything else, Trump is just being a dutiful puppet, and enforcing what the real overlords have decreed- and they likely have decreed this, since obviously EVs are not ready for prime-time, and no one can actually build cars that average 50MPG while complying with all of the other federal regs…and to impose fines and penalties and drive the prices of ‘non-compliant’ cars even higher, would be essentially the death of the US auto industry.

        • Death of our industry and form of Constitutional Representative Government is exactly what they want to destroy so that the ensuing chaos can be used to implement a one world government / economy.

          Government will never save us from government.

          The Tree of Liberty is thirsty.

  8. Ignoring the fact Regulations violate Article 1, Section 1 of the Constitution, don’t the actions of California violate the Interstate Commerce Act?

    • …”don’t the actions of California violate the Interstate Commerce Act?”

      Here’s the Violation:
      Tenth Amendment: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution,
      nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

      • this is a good start.. NOWHERE are FedGov granted authoirty to regulate any characteristic or quality of any piece of machinery. Can’t tell me how many air bags, backup cameras, seatbels, how big and bright the tail lamps are, or how much fuel it does or does not use as I drive it. Simoly not a power assigned FedGov.
        Trump is on the money (literally as well as figuratively) backing off such illegal Fedregulations on cars. He SHOULD simply abolish the EPA and void all the aws, rules, regulatioins, etc, about machinery. That would likley put a hundred thousand gummit drones out on the streets looking for “work”.

        Further, in regards the ICC, Comgress is to Mmake regular” trade between the states…. i other words, if I can buy a new GeeEmm Whatzit in Tecas, I should also be able to buy it in California. If I can drive such a machine in texas, any laws/rules/regulations prohibiting my doing that in Californa are unconstitutinal. The current DOT truck stickers, and logbook rules and fuel mandates are all unconstitui=tional.

        And tell Californa to either comply with the US Consittution, or leve the union and good riddance. They CAN NOT mandate “speshul rules just for themselves.

        I am originally FROM that state….but I rarely even trevel there. They are bad enough telling their own people how they shoud live, but in mandating any car specifications, they want to tell ME how I should live. No thank you. California either MUST come under the US Constitution as a state part of the union, or leave it. I do not thin Trump will make any moves to compell them to remain, or rejoin. He’d probably be quite happy to give them the left boot of fellowship.. just think… no more DieFie, Boxer, Pugliuglu, Gabbing Nuisance, Horozintal Harris, infesting the US Federal government.

    • Do a bit of research on the Interstate Commerce Act and you will find warnings that it will give the gubment unlimited power to regulate nearly everything it chooses.

      “The ICC [Interstate Commerce Commission] illustrates what might be called the natural history of government intervention. A real or fancied evil leads to demands to do something about it. A political coalition forms consisting of sincere, high-minded reformers and equally sincere interested parties. The incompatible objectives of the members of the coalition (e.g., low prices to consumers and high prices to producers) are glossed over by fine rhetoric about “the public interest,” “fair competition,” and the like. The coalition succeeds in getting Congress (or a state legislature) to pass a law. The preamble to the law pays lip service to the rhetoric and the body of the law grants power to government officials to “do something.” The high-minded reformers experience a glow of triumph and turn their attention to new causes. The interested parties go to work to make sure that the power is used for their benefit. They generally succeed. Success breeds its problems, which are met by broadening the scope of intervention. Bureaucracy takes its toll so that even the initial special interests no longer benefit. In the end the effects are precisely the opposite of the objectives of the reformers and generally do not even achieve the objectives of the special interests. Yet the activity is so firmly established and so many vested interests are connected with it that repeal of the initial legislation is nearly inconceivable. Instead, new government legislation is called for to cope with the problems produced by the earlier legislation and a new cycle begins.”

      ― Milton Friedman, Free to Choose: A Personal Statement

      How it was once applied:


      • ICC is checkin on down the line. I’m a little overweight and my log book’s way behind.

        And now the big carriers are hacking their drivers phones and getting all the info off them and using the GPS to see where they are at all times. Drivers are having to ditch their former numbers, getting new ones and using a flip phone. Meanwhile the industry wonders(they just pretend to not know)why they can’t get enough drivers(bad pay, hacking their phones…..mainly bad pay).

        Dave Dudley’s spinning in his grave.

          • I’ve lost a lot of time dodging scales and state checkpoints. It’s worth it in N.M. and La. Nearly impossible in some SE states where roads are few.

            • One of my “careers” was riding along with a truck driver to help load hay bales on a flatbed semi. On the way back he would take a winding gravel back road to miss the scale, not to mention a low railroad bridge. We sure saw a lot of interesting country 🙂

              // still dreadfully anonymous

  9. And don’t ya love how CA. equates EV’s with vehicles that get 50MPG?! How does a 4000 lb EV get 50MPG? It doesn’t, when one takes into account that the amount of energy needed to operate it is exactly the same as it would be for a 4000 lb ICE car…with the only difference being where that energy is being produced- i.e. at a powerplant vs. under the hood.

    So for all of the greenie’s/CA’s/Uncle’s blathering…what in terms of ‘fuel savings’ and ‘reduced emissions’ (if such things even mattered) would they be accomplishing by these herculean efforts to push EVs and relegate ICEs to the scrap pile? Obviously, absolutely NOTHING!- which proves that the real agenda behind such a push is obviously something else other than the stated goals (And we know what those something elses are!)

      • Electric motors are more efficient. Which entirely misses the point after generation efficiency losses, transmission efficiency losses, battery storage efficiency losses, and parasitic losses for conditioning batteries etc.

        Just like the editorial writer in California when I was there demanding that we use clean and efficient electric motors to drive the generators…

      • Oh! Oh! [-Arnold Horshak], Eric!

        ‘Lectric motors are clean! That is: The feminist-liberal tit-less androgynous blob with the bobbed hair, living amidst the cultural splendor of the various perversities and 57 varieties of genders in the rat maze known as a city, doesn’t see any evidence of pollution. And if such a mystical thing as pollution from the generation of electricity to power electric motors exists, it doesn’t matter, ’cause it only affects those terrible white cretins who are so uncivilized as to live apart from the glorious cities while possessing guns and heterosexual monogamy, and same-race children! And of course, they don’t count! They’re not really people. (My…where have we heard that before? Meh…I doubt it’s important; it’s not like we can learn from history or anything)

        • “The feminist-liberal tit-less androgynous blob with the bobbed hair, living amidst the cultural splendor of the various perversities and 57 varieties of genders in the rat maze known as a city, doesn’t see any evidence of pollution. And if such a mystical thing as pollution from the generation of electricity to power electric motors exists, it doesn’t matter, ’cause it only affects those terrible white cretins who are so uncivilized as to live apart from the glorious cities while possessing guns and heterosexual monogamy, and same-race children! And of course, they don’t count! They’re not really people.”

          Nunzio, you are spot-on as to how these people feel! It’s basically how any conversation I’ve had with these types on this issue ever breaks down. They’re dismissive about whose taxes paid for the building and maintenance of the roads they bike on, how the power they use is generated, and they couldn’t care less where all the food they eat is coming from (hint: your co-operative communal living space is not self-sufficient). You even managed to capture the vague but palpable anger they seem to have towards anyone who doesn’t immediately validate their viewpoint, or even looks like they might disagree.

      • So I just did the math and a little DuckDuckGoing. Can’t help it, Im an engineering geek and always will be.

        Our gasoline engines are around 20-35% efficient in our cars, diesel is around 35-45%.

        Now for the electric car: Generation efficiency is right around 38% (coal, diesel, natural gas turbine- wind and solar are much lower eff but use “free” fuel), then transmission takes on average 6% (94% efficient), then charging a lithium ion battery is in the range of 75% efficient- worse for “super” charging, better for trickle charging, then the electric motor is right around 85% efficient.

        Multiply it all out, and the electric car is going to 22-25% efficient.

        Huh- that’s right in the low end of the range for a gas car and way below my old Mercedes diesels, much less a VW TDI. Plus you can make a 1800lb diesel car which simply uses less energy to work vs an electric full of heavy batteries at around 4000lb.

        Guess I’d rather have a Mercedes C111-3 than that Tesla…

        • I’d rather have a Renault Le Car than a Tesla! At least the Le Car can be refueled in 2 minutes, and go further than the Tesla on a fill-up…and Renault can’t remotely disable it from Frogland!

          • Im pretty sure Le CarCass came from the land of the edible snail already disabled… But that C111-3, 200mph for 1000 miles at 15mpg- on a production diesel in 1976, THAT’s a machine.

            • Heck, Ernie, I’ve always wanted a 300D…. Now THAT’s an economy car! Trouble is, only ones people seem to part with are ones that are completely worn out. (And of course, the A/C and the power windurs don’t work- and unlike the Le Car…it don’t have a fabric sunroof to peel back for the breeze :0 )

              • Sounds like you know the trouble points. The most annoying one for me is that German sense of humor where you make an economy car which can easily last a million miles, then put a plastic gear in the odometer which splits and quits working after only 200k or so…
                Oddly enough I had pretty good luck with my Renault Alliances, and the turbo Fuego was fun while it lasted…

            • The 126 Turbodiesle Benz get well above 30 mpg, are large, comfortable, beautoful cars wiht excellent handlng, and have been known to run 750,000 miles with very little repairs done, STILL get the great mileage. Further, since they outlast many other cars of far lesser capability two or three to one, they are far more efficieint over the decades of use they will provide. Buy one, at under $40K new, back in 1983 or 4, still going strong today. Buymany other opetions in the size/perofrmance class, at, say $25K each, run them till they’re dead, buy anohter… next one 8 years on will not be only $25K, more like $35K, the most recent one likely $40K or above, you’ve soent above $90K for comfortable transportaion over those 36 years instead of the $30K you spent on the Benz.
              Doesn’t take a rocket scientist or a whiz at maths fo know which is the better deal.

              • How the hell did MB go from that…to making the over-priced plastic-laden short-lived garbage that they sell here in the US today?! (I hear that the German ones are somewhat better…)

          • I recall a Suziki Spring or its badge-engineered USA version, the Geo Metro, with that 1.0 liter 3-banger and a 5-speed stick, got over 40 mpg in the city and 50 mpg on the highway. Sure, it was a dinky box with four Donald Duck tires and not a lot of creature comfort, but it was economical to operate!

  10. If the average American had more sense, this would be a perfect illustration of the absurdity of allowing other men to amass power over their own lives and property.

    Trump makes his capricious decrees; California makes it’s absurd decrees. They battle it out (at our expense, no less), and for what? For something which should not concern either entity, for it should rightly be the province of every person to decide what thery care to drive.

    We are told that it is a woman’s right to kill the fetus in her womb, and without regard to the wishes of it’s father; We are told that it is a right as to what orifice one sticks their wang in (as long as said orifice belongs to a person of sufficient age, as determined by Uncle); We are told that one can choose what to drink or smoke- as long as it is approved and highly taxed by the overlords…..but to choose the type of vehicle we drive..oh, well, that is just asking too much!

    Ironically, Trump goes after CA. (and Ford, VW et al) on this…for daring to not avail themselves of the option which he has created for them….but he doesn’t do a damned thing about all of CA.’s unconstitutional atrocities…like their mass aiding and abetting of illegal immigrants; their raping of the Second Amendment; their war on free speech; private property; parental rights, yada yada…..

    We are not free to make our own decisions, and now the state in which residents are the least free to make their own decisions…is not free to make it’s own decisions… Hilarious!

    And sadly, the average Californian wouldn’t even care if they had to pay more for most cars, or were restricted from having certain ones entirely. Just look at how they pay more for a lawnmower or weedeater, and can’t even buy many models, because of their CARB BS! -Or how only a select few models of guns may be sold in their state.

    People become used to tyranny, and even end up supporting it and even downright demanding it- why else would 55 freakin’ million people live in that shit-hole? Not only is this a matter of states rights….but it’s a good opportunity to let all of the loony libruls get a taste of the [state]government they deserve; the one they elected, by letting them have to live with the consequences of their choices. Maybe if they weren’t protected from the consequences of their own their own choices, reality would hit them, and they’d regain sanity. But oh no! We can’t have that, because Federal Uncle gets to decree what cars we drive…not Local Uncle, or [gasp] the people who actually pay for and buy the cars!

    • Hey Nunz,

      “And sadly, the average Californian wouldn’t even care if they had to pay more for most cars, or were restricted from having certain ones entirely”.

      There are a lot of poor/low income folks in California. If treated to the economics lesson I imagined earlier, they would care plenty.


      • Exactly, Jeremy! That’s just what I meant by letting them reap the consequences of their own decisions. At some point, either every functional person would just leave the state, or finally demand changes.

        Trouble is, it takes too long.

        A lot of these librul strongholds are going down the tubes- CA. NY. IL. -hemorrhaging the bread-and-butter working/middle class residents, who were their bread-and-butter. It’s gotten to the point where NY is now losing so many residents, that there is now an actual net loss of population, even with all the influx of immigrants- which up until recently was able to replace the escapees, essentially one for one. (This is why there will be no cessation of illegal immigration- as many of these places would be ghost towns already witjhout such)

        But the irony is, a lot of the rest of the country, which has not experienced the dysfunctionality of living under the lunacy and tight control of liberalism, are now more liberal…and I guess the same cycle that is playing out in NY and CA et al, will soon be being played out in BFE. I mean, who ever would have imagined a few years ago that Minneapolis would become a crime-ridden slum full of third-world troglodyte Somalis and other barbarians?

        • Hi Nunz!

          Yup; reality clashes with fantasy. Socialism will work . .. this time. They did it wrong back there. We’ll do it correctly here.

          Until there’s no place left to repeat the experiment.

          • eric, there will always be a place for it until those idiots get their asses thrashed by everyone they meet. I hear my tire bumper calling. BTW, I blew out a brand new tire today. Oh well, it ain’t the first one I’ve changed.

        • Texas is falling fast. I predict in less than 2 years, it will be controlled by the loony libs that came from cali as well as the immigrants who don’t know crap about government.

  11. Morning Eric,

    Ironically, as others have noted, there is at least some plausible constitutional justification to be made, unlike Lincoln’s appeal to a mystical Union that somehow predates its own formation, re California, by arguing that its actions violate the commerce clause.

    Still, as I believe that radical decentralization offers the only chance, albeit slight, of altering the course of Leviathan, it is interesting to ponder what could happen were California left alone. Imagine if the Federal emissions and safety fatwas were returned to 2000 levels, while simultaneously allowing imports of any vehicles that meet those standards. Sub $10,000 new cars would likely become common, both because of imports and because US automakers would be forced to compete. Californians would be stuck with entry level cars costing twice as much. This would be a case study in the real costs of regulation.

    Of course, all the US auto companies would oppose it, as would the eco-loons, control freaks, car haters, social engineers, etc… As would poverty, Inc, showing that they care more about control, than helping the poor.


  12. “I then told this bozo to leave, immediately, else I’d complain to the city…”

    No, you allow him to stand there and hear you call the sheriff’s office and request someone come and tresspass him off your property.

  13. Eric, in general I agree; let the moonbat liberals live with their own rules for a while. I think another approach which is in line with our constitution is *regulation*. The word’s original meaning in the constitution was “to make regular” (not create rules by un-elected soviet style communists.) California’s rule is a *tariff* which the constitution outlawed as a condition of being part of the United States so the states (or more precisely the people within the states) can free trade amongst themselves. I think Trump should take them all the way to the supreme court so California can lose in front of the frat boy who likes girls. In the meantime, Trump could cut their highway funding until the get in line with the constitution. Throw it in the woods.

  14. “And haven’t the people of California got just as much right to govern themselves as the rest of us have to not be governed by them?”

    You’re absolutely right! Let Kali pass laws that are as perverted as in their sickest wet dreams. In fact I wish Kali would mandate that their cars get 100 miles per gallon by 2025. The farther insane Kali laws become, the sooner automakers will conclude that the rest of America will not buy such atrocities.

    Then Ford, GM et al will reach the crossroads. Build cars that only will be salable in Kali, or cars that only will be salable in the rest of the country. They cannot have it both ways.

  15. I live in CA and can speak from first hand experience how out of control the Air Resources Board (ARB) and Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) are with their rulings and excessive fees and requirements for registration.

    I own a 2008 Jeep JKU and that mini van motor died. I had a LS Gen4 5.3L Iron Block installed and then BAR tired to tell us it was illegal to put a GM motor into a Chrysler vehicle. BAR was caught altering the vehicle inspection report (VIR).

    Even after going through the testing process with SEMA and getting an executive order from the ARB, BAR would not pass the vehicle for registration. I am now waiting for SEMA and ARB to get BAR inline with their testing and approvals.

    A complete cluster f-ck and a clear indication of the agenda to destroy grease monkies and car enthusiasts.

    • Huge +1 on that.

      For those of you not aware of how bad it is here; every single part that’s emissions related, meaning everything to do with intake or exhaust up to the catalyst, has to be certified by the CARB. No certification, no smog certificate, meaning you can’t register the car. It doesn’t matter if the car is better than stock, it doesn’t matter if it passes a dyno sniffer test with flying colors, if the parts aren’t either stock, or CARB certified, you’re failing “visual inspection”, and registration for you.

      My track car is a Lotus Elise. It has a Toyota engine in it, and uses Toyota Celica air filters which cost $15 at a toyota dealer. Generic ones cost $12 at a local car parts store. However, those Toyota air filters are not certified for use in a Lotus Elise, so, to pass the smog check, I have to buy the same filter from a Lotus dealer, which has a Lotus sticker over the Toyota logo. This filter costs $50+, since it costs a lot to get it certified, and not many units get sold to amortize that. Naturaly, I found a mechanic to do the inspection who doesn’t care, but if I had a cold air intake or something, which changes the ECU adaptive maps a little bit, they’d notice and fail me. It’s ridiculous.

      • And all the people fleeing California are stopping at the continental divide (well, just past it in Denver), and bringing their politics with them.

        • The sooner that big earthquake hits commiefornia the better off the whole world will be. A state full of loonies needs to sink into the ocean as quick as possible. Pity the state can’t sink at the boundary lines.

          • We’re not all loonies here, there are plenty of sane people, however, most of the population is in two dense areas, and the liberals have the majority there. Geographically, MOST of California is red politically, poor, agricultural. LA/SF are the two population centers that end up setting all policy. Those of us who lean libertarian are sadly, outnumbered, so in a democracy, our voices are lost.

            CA is a good example of how the United States would be without the electoral college.

        • RK, Co. is too cold for most of them but they like the loaded regs for everything there. Some feel the need to move to Texas(way too many)so Dallas/Ft. Worth are filling up along with some outlying places around little Mexico, San Antonio.

          Not many moving to west Texas thankfully since they bring their failed politics with them. Same with San Antonio. It’s so nice to have the people of Texas support you so you can recreate Mexico.

          I just have to say this. There’s something bad wrong with people who can’t make full-fledged colors like they do in Mexico. Red? Well, this washed out slapped on with a brush looking stuff as if it’s 100 years old. Same for all colors. No bright blues, greens nor anything else. Sorta like their phones that go very softly hooo hooo hooo. You’re almost afraid to speak in a normal voice fearing to break it.

          • Don’t want to trigger anyone with bright, bold, or brash color. Better to stick to pastels, Earth tones and “antiqued” hues. And besides, any deviation from the norm will affect everyone else’s resale value, right?

            Unless you’re a building being built by uncle. Then anything goes, and the uglier the better:

            The Soviet Style was horrible for sure, but at least people could understand it. Now Uncle’s gone full nutty but no one wants to admit they don’t “get it” or their elite friends will laugh at them. So we get these Gehry abominations that no one in their right mind would approve if they were footing the bill.

      • Just think…not only do snobs that want that Lotus pay out the nose to purchase it, but the “stealership” pulls crap like putting that Lotus sticker right over the Toyota one, and QUADRUPLING the price. Yet if the smog inspector sees the “generic” filter, he’ll flunk you on the visual, even though it’s the same one! Nothing but a scam…

      • Buy some double sided pressure sensitive adhesive and move the lotus sticker from one air filter to the next. Or scan the sticker and print your own new ones.

      • Just get ONE approved filter and install it right before the inspection, and then swap out a generic filter and keep the expensive filter in a Ziploc bag until just before the next inspection 😉

        Years ago we had a similar thing with USDA approved “spark arrestors” absolutely required by the Forest Circus. They were many times the price of a generic muffler and when we finally got one, it was just an open pipe! Not a spark arrestor or even a muffler at all, but it had the USDA approved stamping on the empty housing.

    • Most out-of-state suppliers of performance parts like Summit Racing (they have a store in Sparks, NV, which isn’t too far from where my #1 son and I live) will NOT ship to a CA address because of the capriciousness of CARB and BAR; i.e., they won’t risk the summary fines. We either just take a drive to Sparks, get in some Blackjack and a buffet at the Rail City casino, and pay CASH for our purchases, or, my boy has a good friend whom now resides in Carson City whom can make a “straw purchase” and bring it when he comes down to Sac town.

      I also use this method to bypass CA’s insane and utterly unconstitutional laws on ammo purchases; I have #2 that lives in the Las Vegas area. I just have him buy it and bring it when he DRIVES up here (it’s perfectly legal to ship ammo in your luggage as long as you declare it, but why draw attention from DHS?), as long as he keeps the ammo hidden when he passes through the “agricultural” inspection station and has the receipt on hand, he shouldn’t run into any difficulty, as CA hasn’t yet applied these insane laws to an out-of-state resident bringing small quantities with him. Of course, I have him bring only that which fits what he’s carrying on him, if it’s something that I alone have, I’ll wait until I drive out there and then take my chances. And he keeps a few items that CA either has banned outright or wants registered to be “legal”, I prefer to tell Gov. Newsom and his minion to go fuck themselves. At least I know my great-Uncle’s M1A2 paratrooper carbine is “safe” from those goddamned gun-grabbers, though I’d rather it be with his little sister that still lives in CA, as she’s the best shot in the family! I recall buying he and his older brother .22. rifles for their respective 12th birthdays, soon followed same for my then “little goil” (channeling Archie Bunker, she now has a much younger half-sister who is now my “little goil”), and I hadn’t considered getting her one…I soon got word that she’d be terrifically disappointed if she didn’t get her own rifle, but fortunately the Old Sacrament Armory had a sale on the Ruger Mini-14 (which you can’t buy anymore here, you can only gift it to a family member), and that kid slept with her rifle for a MONTH.

  16. Rescinding a state level fatwa that would have infringed upon the liberty of everyone in CA, and possibly most people elsewhere in the state — this is not remotely the same as Lincoln declaring war on newly sovereign states because he asserted that, the Constitution be damned, states can’t secede.

    The first in preventing infringements upon liberty, the second is infringing upon liberties (albeit including horrendous “liberties” like owning other people).

    • Correct, sir. The main justification for the US Constitution was allegedly “states taxing commerce with other states” and restraining interstate trade. Which is precisely what the commies in Cali are trying to do. Now if His Mangoness would start rounding them up and doing tribunals for treason for the gross and blatant violations of the bill of rights…

    • There is a movement of the northern CA and southern OR counties to break away and become their own state, the State of Jefferson. Of course, in the eyes of the bought-and-paid-for libtard media, they’re nothing but ignorant hicks, or even potential “terrorists”..

      Yeah, LET CA go through with “CalExit”, we in Northern CA will counter-secede back to the Union and watch the nitwits further ruin their “country’, ha ha!

      • Recall that Obumer almost immediately said “White men over 40 are domestic terrorists.”. No exceptions. Oh, how I wish that were true. Come to west Texas and find it is. Just mention taking guns away and everybody’s hair goes up.

        • My response to the Kommunist Kenyan Kandidate would have been the same as the old Pace Picante sauce commerical, when the cowpokes find out the “other brand” is canned in New York City…”NEW YORK CITY???”

          “Get a ROPE!”

  17. The only reason for California’s stricter emission rules was a misguided and erroneous assumption about the Southern California Los Angeles basin.

    Situated between mountains and the ocean, this area was known by the native population as the “valley of smoke”, long before the proliferation of the internal combustion engine.

    The topological nature of the area made it susceptible to “inversions” in which stale air would be trapped in the valley due to meteorological conditions.

    Rolling back the emission regulations is common sense.

    • Likewise California’s Central Valley, especially in the vicinity of Fresno and/or Bakersfield, gets the rap as the “most DIRTY air”…a great deal of this is NOT based on actual air sampling of NOx, or HC (ppm) and so on, but rather, a subjective evaluation based on VISIBILITY of the nearby foothills and mountains. The trouble is, it’s mostly due to the stirring up of DUST, as, being a Mediterranean Climate (Koppen BSk), it gets DRY in the summer and early autumn! Not only, from any vantage point in the valley, are the mountains, which are usually easily viewable and spectacular at dawn, virtually obscurbed by mid-day, but likewise from any viewpoint in the Sierras (like Meadow Lakes near Shaver Lake NE of Fresno), the valley will look like a big “Dust Bowl”. Yet…is it HARMFUL? Most days, unless there’s really a sever inversion, the answer is…NO. It just LOOKS bad!

      However, politicians sell their hare-brained schemes for ‘sustainability” and “carbon footprint” based on emotional, subjective reasoning rather than science. And then we wonder WHY the automobile is getting ever the more unaffordable for “Joe bag-o-donuts”.

      • Douglas, on my periodic drives from San Diego to NorCal, I see lots of white haze. To me, it appears to be settled/settling particulate from chemtrails. The Cabal seems to have it in for the Central Valley, Riverside County, and Tijuana, as, from my observations, those places seem to be under heavier ‘bombardment’ than San Diego.

        In all the ‘climate change’ discussion, the establishment academics conveniently ignore the role of persistent-for-hours jet ‘contrails’ throughout the U.S. and world and their unspoken role in bizarre episodes of weather.

        • It’s not unique nor in one area. I see(since I’m out all day every day)countless chemtrails that take a long time of dispersal. They love west Texas where there are so few people. And they fly a lot of it from Dyess AFB in Abilene, Tx. Religion and military suckers. They don’t seem to notice. Of course they don’t get away from that shithole town.

          But get 50 miles any direction and we get covered with it.

        • Considering the propensity of denizens of Cali(porn) to use that thar “Medical Mar-ree-joo-juana” for whatever “ails” them, they go through life in a complete fog, regardless of air quality.

          • Most of the human “fog” is caused by sweet drinks and fake food. I know people who’ve been smoking pot for 40 years and they’re some of the sharpest people I know.

    • No one dares question the authorities, or does 5 minutes of research. For sure no one bothers to learn about weather, at least not in a way that they would understand temperature inversions. Way back when I was planning on going to school in Denver I mentioned it to someone who happened to have lived there for a time. He went on for about 5 minutes about the “brown cloud” and all the pollution in Denver because of a persistent inversion layer trapping air at the surface, especially in the winter. I clearly remember seeing smoke swirling around the courtyard in my apartment building, while up in Evergreen or out east it was clear.

      For now emissions testing is done at the county level. If you’re in a rat colony county, you have to get emissions testing done annually. My work truck was registered in Denver county for years, and every year I’d have to drive down to Denver, get the emissions test done and then drive back up to Aspen. What a waste, but hey, I could expense a room, have a nice meal on the company and visit with friends. But my employer lost an entire day plus of my labor. They finally wised up and changed the registration to Pitkin county a few years back. But I’m fairly certain someone just hates the fact that the western slope is completely exempt from any emissions testing. Many diesel trucks out here have delete kits installed, and quite a few look like they “roll coal” on the highway even though it’s probably just normal soot.

      • Kinda like the time I offended this bitch doing DOT drug tests by saying my Eucalyptus lozenge would show me drunk. She went off the deep end even though her co-worker said “Don’t you remember when it made me come up as drunk”? Then that really pissed her off.

        She wrote a bunch of shit on the test results, rendering them null and void. Next thing you know I had to take a whole day and drive 200 miles to the people who did the DOT tests for our other office. They were very nice. I blew, passed, pissed in the jar and big them a good day all the while we had great laughs about the log books and the best fiction you’ll ever read.

        Of course we now have ELD, that screws every driver out there out of hours every single day. Nothing like bureaucrats to fuck up the world and everyone’s paychecks.

        Those mega carriers could stop this shit in a minute but it saves them money. They get work done for nothing.

        • Every week we have a team meeting, and every week we’re reminded to take our lunch hour. Never mind that we get a tech calling about a field issue every day, never mind that the work’s got to get done. The boss did his duty, we pencil-whip the timesheet, and all is good. And we can leave early once in a while. If they ever install a time clock or app, OSHA will hit the roof.

  18. California should simply enact legislation allowing only cars manufactured in California to be sold there, and only there. We would not have to deal with their nonsense and they would.

    Hell, why not ‘Free Teslas’ for everyone? And a big pie of cash for housing, electricity, food, drugs…..? Why not?

    If one is to embrace crazy, no point in holding back.

    Still think that wall idea is a good one. A really tall one. One way gates, as in you can check out but never leave. All the way around California, Oregon, Washington and Vancouver Canada too, just to be sure the crazy is mostly contained. We can sort out the East coast later.

  19. Eric – CA and its constituent municipalities all have their heads up their collective asses.

    Just recently, while spending a lazy Sunday afternoon at my sons’, quenching my thirst with some of my boy’s home brew, a “code enforcement” officer from the city showed up and began asking questions. My son was about to answer, but I stopped him, and demanded that this guy show a warrant. When the officer replied that he didn’t have one, but was investigating a complaint of an “illicit” car repair garage being run out of my son’s garage, I asked him to cite the city ordinance that there was complaint of violation thereof. He couldn’t cite it, and refused to say WHOM had made the complaint (but we had a pretty good idea). I then told this bozo to leave, immediately, else I’d complain to the city about his being nosey and pestering us. He left, and we’ve heard nothing since.


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