AGW Threatens to “Fucking Shoot” Teenager in the Face


Those who believe trigger-happy armed government workers are just a few bad apples might want to have a look at the orchard.

Another AGW has been caught on camera threatening to kill a scrawny teenager, promising to “shoot him in the fucking face” for not being sufficiently submissive.

The incident was caught on camera, so there’s no question that the kid represented any kind of “threat” to the “safety” of the AGW, who pointed a loaded gun at the kid’s face over some loud music and the kid backing away from the AGW.

Failure to Submit and Obey immediately being a capital offense (see: Amber Guyger and Aaron Dean, who shot Atatiana Jefferson to death in her own home last week after perfunctorily screaming at her to “show me your hands!”  . . .which he gave her no time to do before shooting her to death.)

This kid is very lucky he wasn’t shot to death. The AGW was itching to do it and probably only prevented from doing it by some dim comprehension that his actions were being video recorded. Had this occurred in an alley somewhere and with no cameras around, the AGW probably would have ended the kid and said he “feared for his safety” when the kid “resisted.”

“I was right next to the kid that he pulled the gun on,” said one of the other kids whose lives were threatened by the armed and dangerous AGW.

“My friend didn’t know he was a cop. He was coming up to a friend very fast and aggressive, so my other friend jumped in and put his hand out for him to stop . ..the guy grabbed his hand aggressively,” said the witness. “My other friend held up his skateboard for him to stop, then the guy pulled a gun and said “‘I’ll shoot you in the f—king face if you don’t stop.’”

In the video, the boy in the black t-shirt is seen on his knees with his hands in the air.

“[The teen] got on the floor, did exactly what the man said. The man never identified himself as an officer to my friend…just kept aiming his gun and being more and more aggressive,” said one of the other teens.

The Orange County Sheriff’s Department said in a statement:

“Orange County Sheriff’s Department employees are expected to conduct themselves with professionalism on and off-duty. We take this incident seriously and will fully investigate.”


The AGW has not been arrested. He is reportedly on “administrative leave.”

The Orange County Sheriff’s Department apparently thinks it’s acceptable – and certainly not criminal – to draw a gun on and point it at a kid over loud music and skateboarding.

It would be a felony for anyone not wearing a government-issued costume. Such a person would certainly be “red flagged” and have his guns seized – reasonably, given these circumstances.

But because the circumstances involved an armed government worker, there’s no crime – or even a firing. And in all likelihood, this unstable, dangerous individual with anger management issues will be “serving” the community again after a few days of paid vacation awarded for threatening to murder a kid.

We are told by people like “Beto” O’Rourke that we can’t be trusted with dangerous weapons.

How about AGWs?

I’d certainly feel a lot safer if their guns – and license to kill – were taken away.

. . .

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  1. It’s bad enough that there’s too many unhinged psychopaths with BADGES and department-issued sidearms out there. Obviously the system has “failed’ egregiously in screening them out.

    What’s WORSE is that when these outrages happen, the “thin blue line” gets awfully THICK, as in usually the porker gets a “pass”, as the department and its chartering municipality and/or state don’t want to look like they’re “anti-cop” in front of the voters, nor deal with the cop unions. And NO municipality or the state wants to pay damages!

    That’s why you always record, Record, RECORD every encounter with law enforcement, ensuring that the video is uploaded to the “cloud” or off-site storage, preferably in real time, lest the cops seize your phone as “evidence” or simply smash it out of spite. It might net you a decent settlement, or at least keep you from spending a lot of time in the pokey!

  2. Watching this again, I just have to say turn the phone cameras off and just start killing these idiots.

    Put a few in the ground and it will stop.

    Or not.

    Put a few more in the ground until it does.

    Give their families a nice new folded flag for their living room.

    When cops go bad, with the power that WE GAVE them, don’t get upset, just start harvesting them.

  3. ‪It wouldn’t make me lose a half hour of sleep if one of these fucks did this to my kid, thusly necessitating their slow murder on camera in my basement.

    I’d put it on repeat while I laughed and laughed and laughed. ‬

    Good Lord, if it has to be that serious, let’s make it serious and just start pulling these pigs out of their homes.

    They do work for us, right?

  4. There will come a tipping point. Could have happened in this situation. If a person carrying concealed had seen this thug, in street clothes and not identifying as police, putting a gun in a child’s face, there’s a good chance he would have been shot. A perfectly reasonable response, for which the reasonable person would be put in prison, if they lived that long.

    • Hi JWK,

      I agree… something like this is going to happen again… and at some point, people are going to step in and tear the offender to pieces. I have a CHP. I can imagine a scene like that; me seeing a strange dude come out of nowhere and accost someone – a kid – and whip out a gun… at which point it strikes me as justified because of reasonable fear of a deadly threat to pull my gun.

      Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind…

      • eric, like I said about the “raid” in 2016 we two old people endured because of “rumor” told to them by a POS woman facing 5 felony charges, mostly for kidnapping and related crimes.

        When they left, empty handed, the top dog said(as if i should feel sorry for him) “And now they’re shooting us(right after the Ft. Worth shootings) to which I replied “naw, they’re finally shooting back you mean”. I’m sure nothing has been resolved and they’ll be back.

        Oh, and the best part was when he kept saying since I’d denied him to go into our house, “I wouldn’t have any problem of somebody going into my house” as if that’s what they would do. I looked at the wife and said “Sounds good to me, what say we go look through his house, he might have something we want” and then asked him where he lived. This really pissed him off. I was calm and collected on the outside. He had no idea how mad I was.

    • That was exactly my thought when I saw this. If it happened in Idaho, not California, then there is a good chance the perp would have gotten his head blown off.


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