This is among the worst of many.
The following video shows a Texas armed government worker named Ellison Collins berating a frail old man a fourth his size and probably 30 years his senior – for reasons unclear. The old man appears to be slightly – and perhaps more than slightly Azheimerian. He is without question more-than-slightly frail, physically and clearly couldn’t be a “threat” to the “safety” of the enormous badged bully – who tells him he has his permission to slap him.
“If you want to do something, slap the shit out of me and get it off your chest,” the AGW instructs.
“I’m giving you permission to slap the shit out of me . . . and see what happens.”
The old man – seemingly confused – raises a feeble arm and brushes the face of the AGW, who responds instantly with a brutal strike that knocks the old man to the ground.
The old man is ordered to “get on your back” and is harshly manacled. Another AGW assists while one more stands by passively and watches the procedure. Neither make any effort to intervene, much less arrest the AGW, who – like a schoolyard bully only much worse, because heavily armed and backed by the state – gave the old man permission to slap him, which the old man certainly took to mean no legal repercussions – and then used the old man’s sanctioned actions as the manufactured pretext for knocking him to the ground.
The AGW has – apparently – been fired as well as indicted on charges of assault by a Harris County, TX grand jury.
That’s good, but it would be much better if the other two AGWs who watched this scene develop and who did nothing to stop the psychopath and didn’t arrest the psychopath – and who therefore countenanced the psychopath’s actions – were also fired and criminally charged as well.
If three large (but not badged) men confronted one frail old man, taunted him and stood by while one of their number physically attacked the old man, they’d all be subject to arrest.
Why not here?
It’s worse here – because it was AGWs. The creatures allegedly sworn to “serve and protect,” who are supposed to keep the peace, not incite violence. There is also the business of abuse under color of law.
A “law enforcer” who gives permission to commit an illegal act – and then punishes the person who commits it – is someone who no business possessing legal authority to order anyone to do anything, much less punish them for doing it.
But it’s even worse when other “law enforcers” stand by and watch one of their fellows abuse the law. It encourages exactly what is depicted in this video. AGWs know they are a special protected class, with de facto permission to do as they please even in plain sight of those who are supposed to know – and respect – the law.
But we all know the laws are different for AGWs.
. . .
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So yeah, I live in OKC (where this happened).
Just last night, a cop pulled over a vehicle on my street, and its occupants—-for whatever reason—-bailed and ran. Fast forward a couple of hours later and a dozen cops are on my street armed with M-4s (military assault rifle) going all over the area looking for him. Mind you, this is in the heart of OKC which is very much an urban area where, unless you’re expecting a Black Hawk Down-type firefight to break out, is NOT a good idea due to the range and velocity of the aforementioned weapons.
Let’s not go jumping to conclusions here. We don’t actually know what happened before the video. These good officers may very well have had reason to fear for their safety, and had to make a split-second decision in a life-or-death situation. If you’ve never worn the uniform, you have no idea what it’s like and really have no business spreading misinformation and your misguided opinions about matters you know nothing about. Let’s grow up and just wait for a full and fair investigation, which will conclude that the police were following standard procedure, even if unfortunate mistakes were made in this tragic situation. These brave heroes are, after all, under-staffed, under-paid, and under-appreciated and their training budget was severely slashed in the latest round of budget-cutting.
Hi Mainer,
Yup; I know… it’s entirely possible the old guy was a master of Krav Magra (you never know) and like you said about not having worn the uniform, etc., etc.
It was easy to see the old man didn’t want to hit him. I think he was more scared to not slap him. It would have been enlightening to see what lead up to this.
I’m a bit surprised the AGWs actually took on the old man. Usually they like 10 or more AGWs to one aged man. Only 3 in this video.
Yep,,, Heros for sure!
C’mon Eric,
The thug is just collecting his due reparations through a pound of flesh.
Impaling is sounding more and more reasonable and effective. The message would get where it’s needed.
Hey, look on the bright side… at least Johnny Law didn’t shoot the guy in the back: