Reader Question: Sensory Overload and Sssssssssafety?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Joe writes:  Great article (in re the Millennials and ssssssssssssaaaaaafety).   All of this safety crap ruined aviation, and the death toll from what was once a great airliner (B737) is proving my point. Sensory overload in a cockpit drowns out the important information that a pilot really needs. The solution to every problem is another gadget. Simplicity is the ultimate virtue.

My reply: Agreed, Joe – and thanks for the kind words! The distractions erupting from the car – ostensibly for sssssssssssssafety – are manifestly unsafe. And not solely because of the distractions they create. I maintain they also enervate drivers; apply a steady stream of low-grade cumulative stress that fatigues drivers. It is hard to relax and focus on any task when you are being constantly pestered – whether by an dog that won’t stop barking or by chimes and lights and vibrating seats and shaking steering wheels.

I have come to a conclusion about this – one based on it being the only thing that makes any sense to me. It is that these sssssssssssssssssaaaaaaaaafety system are meant to enervate people. To make them hate driving – in order to make them give up driving.

The long-haul push here is to get people out of the driver’s seat – and put the government (and corporations) in it.

For the purposes of controlling – and mulcting – us.

Even more than we are controlled and mulcted already.

. . .

Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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