Reader Question: More EVs . . . Fewer Jobs?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Bernard asks: Audi just announced that they will let go 7,500 employees in Germany. So much about the success of EV cars and the bashing of their great diesels. And they still have the nerve to talk about developing more EVs. Some learn it, some never do.

My reply: But it is a success… from a different point-of-view. Fewer workers means fewer checks to cut each week; lower health care and retirement costs, too. And EVs – being much more expensive – mean more checks being cashed… by Audi.

Well, that’s the idea.

But how it works escapes me – unless the government plans to front EV buyers the 30-50 percent difference between an IC car and an EV. If not, then driving will become a luxury for the Inner Party elites only.

Which I suspect is exactly the plan.

. . .

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  1. Don’t forget the loss of third party type automotive jobs as well. There are far fewer jobs in repair, maintenance, sales, customization and even junk yards than their was in decades past. Automobiles and allied industries have been a large percentage of employment for mostly blue collar (and white collar too) US workers for decades. But they have been declining for decades. Electric cars would only worsen that fact as well.

    I think even with the addition of tech jobs since the 1990’s, I still think we still have lower overall employment with the loss of automotive jobs. Plus tech jobs are harder to get into than automotive employment once was. And a good percentage of those jobs are centered in a few very expensive cities where is auto jobs were just about everywhere.


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