Reader Question: Some Kind Words!


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Nick writes: I think its great what you’re telling people and what you write about. I see the same things in absolutely every industry, in education, health, finance… the military -absolutely everything. Also, thanks for giving me some good advice on the question I asked you about vehicles. Have great Xmas and New Years, sir!

My reply: I hope we all have a great Christmas and that the new year brings some sanity back, and perhaps even more liberty. It’s a longshot request, I realize. But hope exists so long as we still live and breath.

Part of the remedy, I think, is to not give up. Which can be hard – for me included – given the onslaught and seeming inevitability of our Brave New World that’s a ‘borning. But there may still be time to strangle the mutant baby in its crib.

And I will expend every effort and all the means at my disposal toward that end!

. . .

Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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