Reader Question: Asian Ads?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply! 

Ed asks: Hi Eric, love your site and if I ever have enough after paying taxes on things I “own” and trying to get my kids to adulthood, EP Autos is first on my donation list. I have noticed lately a ton of Asian ads popping up on your site, embedded in articles and/or requiring to close to get to an article. Is this something that maybe happened to my Internet activity or something you are aware of/using on your site after Google got all righteous with you?

My reply: Thanks for the heads up on this; I’m working on it… sigh. I wish I could afford a full-time computer guy, for exactly this reason.

. . .

Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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  1. I’ve also noticed that if you search “Eric Peters Autos” into a search engine, this site shows up with lots of Chinese characters attached to it.

  2. No ads here, using Brave browser on a PC.

    My Android tablet does show ads on this site, but those are obviously Google ads inserted into Android and don’t benefit Eric at all….. Rooting time for the tablet.

  3. I haven’t seen any ads. Of course I use Ghostery, U Block Origin, HTTPS Everywhere and DDG Privacy Essentials. I notice there were 3 Google trackers blocked and one Amazon among the 11 on this page.

    That reminds me to terminate Amazon Prime. I can look at a $2 part, about the top of my budget and it say Due to special shipping requirements, this item can not be delivered to this address. Of course I have a physical and Post Office address. The reason it can’t be delivered I found out recently is Amazon is forcing company to have free shipping. Some thing(most)can’t be shipped free since the mark-up isn’t enough to cover shipping. Couldn’t get a new back cover for my phone from them. Bought it on ebay for $.99 and free shipping since it fits in an envelope.

    • I stopped using Amazon entirely. Their customer service when something goes wrong is nothing but, “frustrate them until they give up trying to get a solution”. Used to be great service, now it is ESL representatives without a clue.

      Just bought a giant TV from a local store for about $100 LESS than I could find it on Amazon. And I got to see it before buying.

      I had noted about a year ago that much on Amazon is now the same or more than Bestbuy, Visions, London Drugs, Walmart…….. I think they are now counting on people being in the habit of just ordering from Amazon without bothering to comparison shop.

      • Anon, how well I know. Want a rifle sling? I ordered one, got sent two and charged for two and they’re too long. 60 mile drive for me to hit a place I can return Amazon and USP no longer has my phone number since the driver got another oil field trucking job. Probably when they pull up to my locked gate, they’re not going to hang around. Small price to pay for a tiny amount of privacy.


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