Reader Question: Gnawing Protection?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Greg asks: What an I use on a wiring harness on newer vehicles to discourage rodents from gnawing on the wires? My 2018 Camry had a systems meltdown this morning which turned out to be due to chewed wires running to the fuel injectors. The dealer didn’t even discuss a splice option since I assume the signals are more than simple on-off these days. I already dislike the car so I’m going to get it repaired and get rid of it, but, i the mean time, I don’t want to be out another $600 for a wiring harness since  the vehicle is outside a couple of nights a week.

My reply: This is a fairly common problem and apparently becoming more so because “environmentally friendly bioplastic” materials are being used for wiring insulation now – and (apparently) rodents find this stuff tasty.

I’ve spoken with several people I respect about this and the one that seems easiest is to get a plastic spray bottle and fill it with a mix of something that isn’t tasty, such as a Pine Sol/Clorox brine (a third bleach or Pine Sol, two-thirds water) being careful not to spray it onto connectors/components; stick to the exposed wires/area around the exposed wires. Capsaicin/pepper-sauce-laced tape, wrapped around the vulnerable areas is another option.

Set rat traps/bait in the area near where they car is parked.

I’d also recommend parking the car in a different place, if possible. The rodents you’re dealing with may be near where you currently park.

. . .

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  1. My neighbors and I experience this a lot and we raise the hoods all the way up. You may have to unplug a light but it beats broken wires. When you get home just raise the hood as if there’s no other way to live. Seems to work fine.


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