Reader Question: Brine Countermeasures?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply! 

John asks: In re your article the other day about the brine spraying: How can we protect the underside of our cars? Is there a company or product we can use to take care of the underside?

My reply: The number one thing to do is to wash the underside of the car as soon as possible after the brine bath. Not yourself – unless you have a pressure washer and can get underneath the car. Go to a full service car wash that offers underbody spraying.

Some people use a diluted mix of oil applied to the underside once or twice a season (when the underside is dry, to avoid trapping moisture). I have not done this myself but it apparently works well. There is also a product called Waxoyl  – see here – which coats the underside and (so it claims) not only protects but arrests rust formation. I am going to look into the latter and try to get some first-hand details.

There is one other thing we can do, too: Raise hell with your local bureaucrats about this business of soaking down the roads with a rust-accelerant at the first hint of a dusting of snow.

Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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