Reader Question: Sherpa Errata?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Zane writes: I have several bikes, but I will speak to my Kawasaki KLR 650, ’07 model, the last year of production of the old body style. It has a 6 gallon tank and I have turned 300 miles on it before hitting reserve twice now. I look at it from the same perspective as you do the Sherpa. Lots of things would go by the wayside before the KLR was abandoned.

I also drive a 98 Dodge 3/4 ton with the 12 valve in it. Just redid the bottom end and put new rings in it a few months ago. It is pretty tweaked but very drivable with compound turbos, lots of fuel from the P pump, aftermarket high flow head, etc, etc. I did put a fairly radical street cam in it this round since I had it apart anyway so it is approaching 700 horses on fuel and likely a bit over that with the propane. I’ve run it on veggie in a prior incarnation (the mostly stock rendition)  and it could easily be set up for that again. That filtering setup also allows new or used motor oil, ATF (the fluid) kerosene, hydraulic fluid, or any combination  of the above. It too is part of the stable of keepers. Chassis mileage at present is 460 some thousand but motor redo, six speed manual, transfer case and drivelines are all recent additions after the 12 valve ripped the stock parts to shreds.

I think this whole virus thing is being pushed from the top down to scare people into submission to what, I don’t yet know. Looks to be exciting whatever comes next.

My reply: I think so, too. It reeks, like when the “enemies of freedom” (TM) attacked – or supposedly did – back on nahnlevven. The upside being, if it’s a scam, we’ll know soon.

I just hope it’s not too late.

. . .

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