Reader Question: The Flyby?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Ma-sh writes: Great that I found your site via sometime earlier. Good job sir!! I made a small donation to your site. Maybe one of these days when I drive by your place I would like to meet you in person.

My reply: The support – and kind words – are both appreciated! I fully appreciate that times are tougher than they have been in living memory and may get even worse. But it is in such times that heretical words are vitally necessary, if only to keep alive the principle that orthodoxy is tyranny.

So, thank you – and all of you – who’ve kept the lights on here. We will make it through this. Or at least, we ill not let it go dark without a fight.

On the flyby: I still welcome visits but given the Weird Times please announce your intention prior to the visit so I know you are not the sort of visitor I don’t want. The email on the site is the email to use. Just “holler” as we say and it’ll all be Kosher!

. . .

Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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