The Very Latest in Corona Fashion


I just made up some items apropos of the times. Might as well just got ahead and ear tag ourselves . . . Because Corona!


  1. Needs a Windows logo…

    “Gonna crack my knuckles and jump for joy, I got a clean bill of health from Dr Gates!”

    Fact check false!

    The headline reads “False claim: Bill Gates planning to use microchip implants to fight coronavirus,” because he didn’t say specifically that an RFID chip would be implanted. That’s correct, he didn’t say RFID, he said some sort of quantum dot die stuff, like the purple dye used in phony elections, but “quantum” whatever the hell that is.

    And they still can’t figure out why we don’t believe them.

  2. Genius! I would also write at the bottom “Property of the US Government”. Actually, I might write that on one of my plain t-shirts.


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