Reader Question: Cash for Clunkers II?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

John writes: Is there any truth to the rumors that cash for clunkers II may be coming soon to prop up the dying auto industry? I’ve got some cash dedicated for a new to me car, I know I want to get something without all the nanny state crap, and I read your recent road warrior post, but I am thinking about snagging a VW with TDI, is this a good choice or no? Really been enjoying your prolific writing as of late, keep up the great fight brother.

My reply: I fear there will be no car industry to prop up this time. I believe the ultimate goal, or rather part of it, is to eliminate cars. Or rather, the private ownership of cars. In such a scenario, car companies, as such, are no longer needed. Instead, there will be mobility services – for those who can pay for them.

The technocratic/managerial caste is determined to achieve this, among other things. Including the elimination of cash and with it, the abolition of any privacy regarding transactions as well as any protection against arbitrary “turning off” of your ability to buy and sell.

Assuming we are still allowed to own/drive private cars, a VW TDI is an excellent choice. In part because I am certain that fuel prices are going to surge like and incoming tsunami when this “fever” breaks and owning a vehicle that can average 45-plus MPG will be very desirable. The car itself is also desirable, especially if it’s a Jetta/sportwagen as these are very fun, very pleasant and very useful cars. Ditto the Golf, which is remarkably roomy for its size.

I doubt you’d regret choosing either. Keep us posted!

. . .

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  1. My sister loved my new 2019 Jetta S with manual and always-on-when-I-want-it-on engine so much that she decided to buy a $10k 2014 Passat TDI! I’m almost jealous. That’s post-lockdown pricing. Not sure if it was that low 2 months ago. She loves it and even though it’s big with automatic it is fun to drive because of the awesome torque, not unlike the 76 Nova I drove in high school in the 80s.

    • Hi Jetta Guy,

      In my 25-plus years of test driving new cars, the Jetta TDI was one of my Top 10. Included on that list is the ’95 Cobra R, so it is a very competitive list!

      I drove several TDI Jettas and routinely exceeded the advertised mileage by 5 MPG or more. These are the only cars that ever managed that.

      Plus, they were – and are – fun cars to drive.

      I can’t say enough about their goodness.

      • It’s been probably 25 years ago when the Jetta was a really small car some friends had a diesel version. They commonly got 58 mpg. Only the lack of room kept me from buying one.

      • Reading your articles on this site made me aware of them. When my sister found that 14 TDI Passat for sale online at a local dealership, I told her to buy it immediately. The dealership treated her like royalty too.

    • $10k is probably close to the pre-CF (Corona Fear, or substitute your favorite CF) price. Step-son totaled the ’03 Jetta Tdi Wagon in January and I had to shop for a replacement, targeting sub $6k. There were several 2007-2009 Tdis in that price range that were usually snapped up, so $10k for a ’14 sounds like a good pre-CF deal but not unheard of.


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