Reader Question: Electric Drag Racing?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply! 

Oskar asks: Big three making electric drag cars. Your thoughts on what this is going to do to the drag racing culture?

My reply: Well, it’ll be the end of my interest in drag racing. Electric cars are very quick; street production models like the Tesla S are already capable of getting to 60 in less than 3 seconds so I fully expect EV drag racers to get down the quarter mile similarly quickly. But I think drag racing is about more than just ETs – at least, as a spectator sport. People come to hear the cars; listen to them thunder and scream and shake the earth, spitting fire through zoomie headers, superchargers and nitro.

EVs are just  . . . quick.

Very little, if anything to hear. Nothing to feel.  No earth-shaking apocalyptic burst of dirty, loud, uproarious mechanical fury. Just an efficient release of electrical energy. And no one wants to drink beer in the hot sun to that. It’d be like paying money to sit in a stadium to watch a giant YouTube video of someone playing a song, with the volume turned down to inaudible.

Just as EVs will be the death of car culture, so also will EVs be the death of racing culture.

. . .

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  1. No doubt that is the goal of the car hating bureaucraps. To remove any fun associated with transportation.


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