Reader Question: A Place to Go?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Ryan writes: Big fan of your site. I post there anon once in a while when New Englanders rub me the wrong way. I recently sold most of my junk to RV homestead on the Florida panhandle. If you need a vacation I would strongly suggest the redneck riviera. This place still feels free compared to the northeast. I saw some guys riding in the bed of a pickup right in the panama city beach retail and amusement area. People are generally friendly and having a good time. Very few cops especially for a place everybody comes to party. The best part is properties are extremely affordable. The unincorporated areas just inland are very unrestricted land use wise and low tax. Lots of people convert sheds to houses openly as well as outright living in campers. Code enforcement wouldn’t know where to start around here. Oh yeah, most beautiful beaches on the country if thats your thing. Wishing you the best.

My reply: Hat tip for the tip! I remain hopeful that at least my part of Virginia will recover its senses – perhaps by divorcing itself from the Northern part of the state (and the Coonman). But if not, options will have to be entertained as the option to bend knee to this insanity in order to live is not an option for me. I’d rather just live in a tent – out in the woods – where at least I’d be free again.

Civilization has its pleasures but what’s going on now is the antithesis of civilized – and I just won’t have it.

Thanks again for the kind words!

. . .

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